I've just about got a working version of my latest (free) goodie that I am
reasonably happy with. Before I get to the final tidy up (and documentation
<sigh>) I was wondering if any kind souls out there might like to cast an
eye over it, both to locate any lurking bugs and suggest alterations. You
will need Dolphin 4.0 and also need to have downloaded and installed my
other goodies (it has a couple of them as prerequisites).
Mail me (
[hidden email]) if you are interested in having a look and I will
send you a copy.
The goodie is a replacement for my V3 BitmapEditor. I've moved away from the
full editing package that that goodie was trying to aspire to and gone back
to the original purpose - an easy way of creating small bitmaps, mainly to
be used within Dolphin on Toolbars and as Icons in the browsers. The new
goodie comprises of two parts -
An ImageLibrary. Images of identical extents are collected and stored in
libraries which are created and maintained by the ImageLibraryShell. As well
as loading/saving library files the Shell can also load the images from
existing bitmap and icon[1] files. A collection of images can also be
written from the Shell in a "multiple" bitmap format suitable for Dolphin
toolbars, or single images can be stored as Icons.
The second part is an editor which can be opened on an image in the library.
It is pretty limited in editing tools at the moment as I'm not too sure what
you really need for the small images the goodie is aimed at.
The editor (and the Library as well) use an 8 bit colour palette, loaded
images with more colours are converted to 8 bit when loaded, but saved
bitmap and icon files use the minimum bit size necessary E.g. Monochrome
images are stored into monochrome bitmap files and not 256 colour bitmap
[1] At the moment the package assumes that icon files only contain one icon,
probably not a valid assumption these days. This may well change though -
possibly this evening, if I get round to it!