Why is that the following 2 expressions work
#(1 2 3 4 5 6) asByteArray replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: 'abc'.
'abcdef' replaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: #(70 71 72) asByteArray.
while the next 2 don't
(#(70 71 72) asByteArray) at: 1 put: $a; yourself.
'abcdef' at: 1 put: 75; yourself.
and there exists
'abcdef' byteAt: 1 put: 75; yourself.
but there is no
(#(70 71 72) asByteArray) charAt: 1 put: $a; yourself.
Is the implicit conversion in #replaceFrom:to:with: by design ?
And why is there no equivalent single operation ?
PS: I ran into this trying to deal with the concept of a 'bivalent' stream, one that can be read/written both byte and char based, some streams like SocketStream support this a little bit, but not really.
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