Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

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Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

I have a prototype of an application with image persistence made in pharo 6.1.
I wanted to export (upgrade) the data (database, objects, collections) of the image and code to Pharo 7.
It is possible to perform that operation.
Thanks in advance

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Re: Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

You could try to serialise/deserialise your data with either STON (textual) or FUEL (binary).

'mydata.ston' asFileReference writeStreamDo: [ :out | (STON writer on: out) nextPut: objectGraph ].

'mydata.ston' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :in | (STON reader on: in) next ].

If you have more questions, just ask.


> On 18 Oct 2019, at 02:52, Oswall Verny Arguedas C. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I have a prototype of an application with image persistence made in pharo 6.1.
> I wanted to export (upgrade) the data (database, objects, collections) of the image and code to Pharo 7.
> It is possible to perform that operation.
> Thanks in advance
> Oswall

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Re: Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

Sean P. DeNigris
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> You could try to serialise/deserialise your data with... FUEL (binary).

If you use Fuel, this may help:

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Re: Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

Thanks Sean and Sven

I'm going to investigate Ston and Fuel to do it.
I also thought about passing the data to CouchDB (document database) and then accessing from a clean Pharo 7 with Seaside and Bootstrap.
How do you think the status of the drivers for Pharo for CouchDB is currently. I used it for an application for production. Also Mongo but he changed his license.
Thanks in advance

El vie., 18 de oct. de 2019 a la(s) 12:07, Sean P. DeNigris ([hidden email]) escribió:
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> You could try to serialise/deserialise your data with... FUEL (binary).

If you use Fuel, this may help:

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Re: Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

Alejandro Infante
I wouldn’t recommend Mongo for this use because it doesn’t automagically resolve cycles, so you would have to do a lot of work in order to serialize the data. I agree with the previous suggestions and use Fuel or STON.


On Oct 19, 2019, at 4:16 PM, Oswall Verny Arguedas C. <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks Sean and Sven

I'm going to investigate Ston and Fuel to do it.
I also thought about passing the data to CouchDB (document database) and then accessing from a clean Pharo 7 with Seaside and Bootstrap.
How do you think the status of the drivers for Pharo for CouchDB is currently. I used it for an application for production. Also Mongo but he changed his license.
Thanks in advance

El vie., 18 de oct. de 2019 a la(s) 12:07, Sean P. DeNigris ([hidden email]) escribió:
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> You could try to serialise/deserialise your data with... FUEL (binary).

If you use Fuel, this may help:

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Re: Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

Sean P. DeNigris
Alejandro Infante wrote
> I agree with the previous suggestions and use Fuel or STON.

+1. Either of these methods is pretty much a one-liner. The main hiccup with
Fuel is installing the same Fuel version in both the source and target

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Re: Import a pharo 6 image in pharo 7

Thank you for your answers
I will try STON first.

After passing the data from pharo 6 image to pharo 7, I also want to move it to Document Database.
This process is not vital at the moment, I can do it in steps.

For this reason, I asked about Mongo and CouchDB.


El sáb., 19 de oct. de 2019 a la(s) 19:02, Sean P. DeNigris ([hidden email]) escribió:
Alejandro Infante wrote
> I agree with the previous suggestions and use Fuel or STON.

+1. Either of these methods is pretty much a one-liner. The main hiccup with
Fuel is installing the same Fuel version in both the source and target

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