Importer fixed :)

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Importer fixed :)

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

I fixed the smalltalk importer to deal with pool variable.
        - I wrote some tests and fixes for pharo at the shared pools levels.
        - I fixed the importer

        object ~~ nil ifTrue: [ ^ object ].
        name asString = 'Smalltalk' ifTrue: [ ^ importer ensureNamespace: Smalltalk ].
        "look simple once the rest is working"
        klass := self methodEntity smalltalkClass theNonMetaClass.
        (klass  hasPoolVarNamed: name)
                ifTrue: [pool := klass sharedPoolOfVarNamed: name.
                                ^ self importer ensureClassVarAttribute: name for: pool].

        - I updated the LAN tests
        - I added tests to cover a bit pool variable access.

May be we would like to add to famix the fact that a class uses a sharedPool.
Right now we don't.

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Re: Importer fixed :)



On 13 Dec 2011, at 18:41, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Hi guys
> I fixed the smalltalk importer to deal with pool variable.
> - I wrote some tests and fixes for pharo at the shared pools levels.
> - I fixed the importer
> resolve:
> ….
> object ~~ nil ifTrue: [ ^ object ].
> name asString = 'Smalltalk' ifTrue: [ ^ importer ensureNamespace: Smalltalk ].
> "look simple once the rest is working"
> klass := self methodEntity smalltalkClass theNonMetaClass.
> (klass  hasPoolVarNamed: name)
> ifTrue: [pool := klass sharedPoolOfVarNamed: name.
> ^ self importer ensureClassVarAttribute: name for: pool].
> …
> - I updated the LAN tests
> - I added tests to cover a bit pool variable access.
> May be we would like to add to famix the fact that a class uses a sharedPool.
> Right now we don't.
> Stef
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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Importer fixed :)

Tudor Girba-2
Thanks for looking into this.

Regarding your question, perhaps we better add a new type of variable (SharedPool) that is specific to Smalltalk.


On 13 Dec 2011, at 22:47, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

> Cool!
> Alexandre
> On 13 Dec 2011, at 18:41, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I fixed the smalltalk importer to deal with pool variable.
>> - I wrote some tests and fixes for pharo at the shared pools levels.
>> - I fixed the importer
>> resolve:
>> ….
>> object ~~ nil ifTrue: [ ^ object ].
>> name asString = 'Smalltalk' ifTrue: [ ^ importer ensureNamespace: Smalltalk ].
>> "look simple once the rest is working"
>> klass := self methodEntity smalltalkClass theNonMetaClass.
>> (klass  hasPoolVarNamed: name)
>> ifTrue: [pool := klass sharedPoolOfVarNamed: name.
>> ^ self importer ensureClassVarAttribute: name for: pool].
>> …
>> - I updated the LAN tests
>> - I added tests to cover a bit pool variable access.
>> May be we would like to add to famix the fact that a class uses a sharedPool.
>> Right now we don't.
>> Stef
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