Importing a city map in dxf/svg format to Roassal

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Importing a city map in dxf/svg format to Roassal


There is a project which collects maps of cities under a open licensed
(AFAIK derived from OpenStreetMap) and release them as dxf files. As a
first thought I believe is possible to export dxf to a svg or other open
format and try to open it on Roassal, but I wonder is there is a better
way. If fact the author says that this svg to dxf was the path he
followed to get his layers working.

This are some project links:




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Re: Importing a city map in dxf/svg format to Roassal


I have found another source of cities geo-info here, taken from OSM and
under an open license:

I don't know if formats there (OSM-PBF, OSM-XML OSM-PGSQL SHP, OSM2PGSQL
GEOJSON, IMPOSM SHP IMPOSM GEOJSON) are better candidates to importing
maps of cities to Roassal, but same question applies.



On 08/20/2014 09:40 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a project which collects maps of cities under a open licensed
> (AFAIK derived from OpenStreetMap) and release them as dxf files. As a
> first thought I believe is possible to export dxf to a svg or other open
> format and try to open it on Roassal, but I wonder is there is a better
> way. If fact the author says that this svg to dxf was the path he
> followed to get his layers working.
> This are some project links:
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers,
> Offray

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Re: Importing a city map in dxf/svg format to Roassal

In reply to this post by Offray
Hi Offray,

Sergio Maas has worked on google map interaction in Roassal.
With François we have started an integration of OpenStreetMap.

This is still in progress, we hope to give you some update very soon on this.


On Aug 20, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a project which collects maps of cities under a open licensed (AFAIK derived from OpenStreetMap) and release them as dxf files. As a first thought I believe is possible to export dxf to a svg or other open format and try to open it on Roassal, but I wonder is there is a better way. If fact the author says that this svg to dxf was the path he followed to get his layers working.
> This are some project links:
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers,
> Offray

Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Importing a city map in dxf/svg format to Roassal

Hi Offray, you can find the project on Github.

Getting started is easy:

Metacello new
  baseline: 'OSMMaps';
  repository: 'github://fstephany/OSMMaps/repository';

This will load Roassal2 and all its dependencies + OSMMaps.

then execute

OSMTile monsExample

to open a draggable map centered on Mons, Belgium.

Everything is more than  alpha at the moment: the most basic stuff still need to be done. Check the issue on github for a todo list ;)

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Offray,

Sergio Maas has worked on google map interaction in Roassal.
With François we have started an integration of OpenStreetMap.

This is still in progress, we hope to give you some update very soon on this.


On Aug 20, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a project which collects maps of cities under a open licensed (AFAIK derived from OpenStreetMap) and release them as dxf files. As a first thought I believe is possible to export dxf to a svg or other open format and try to open it on Roassal, but I wonder is there is a better way. If fact the author says that this svg to dxf was the path he followed to get his layers working.
> This are some project links:
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers,
> Offray

Alexandre Bergel