Louis Sumberg wrote:
>> I've got to say that I'm very impressed with D6. There's a lot of new
>> stuff in there, including some very late additions, and by and large
>> there seems to be very few problems.
>> A pat on the back and a round of applause to Andy and Blair for a job
>> well done.
> Thirded! *clap clap clap*
> IdeaSpace is great, VC toolbox is great, I like Intellisense, the
> last-minute addition of "literal resources" is great - just to name a
> few things - and I've barely poked my head into all this.
> Thanks, guys ... you done good :)
> -- Louis
I would add my vote here as well! I also think IdeaSpace and
Intellisense will make Dolphin more appealing to people new to Smalltalk.
All in all, it's a very good thing