Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

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Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

I would like to suggest an improvement for VA Assist Pro.

If you search for Methods including a String, the whole process takes a lot of time. That is nothing new.
But the search blocks the whole image and unfortunately also doesn't give you a chance to look at the first hits it found thus far. Maybe the first one is already my candidate and I could cancel the search...

So instead of this:

Some browser that shows me those hits so far and the search in a background process might make the exoerience so much better. It should be possible to end the search and it should be possible to still browser around - even if this may have an impact on the search results...

What do people think?


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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Joachim,

+1 and how about a case insensitive option.


On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 5:13:20 AM UTC-4, Joachim Tuchel wrote:
I would like to suggest an improvement for VA Assist Pro.

If you search for Methods including a String, the whole process takes a lot of time. That is nothing new.
But the search blocks the whole image and unfortunately also doesn't give you a chance to look at the first hits it found thus far. Maybe the first one is already my candidate and I could cancel the search...

So instead of this:

Some browser that shows me those hits so far and the search in a background process might make the exoerience so much better. It should be possible to end the search and it should be possible to still browser around - even if this may have an impact on the search results...

What do people think?


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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

Klaus Breker-2

we are using this code (example) to search case insensitive for strings in methods:

    | anUppercaseString aCompiledMethodCollection |

    anUppercaseString := 'Smalltalk'  asUppercase.
    aCompiledMethodCollection := CompiledMethod allInstances.

        on: (aCompiledMethodCollection select: [:cm | cm includesSubstring: uppercaseString]) asSet
        labeled: aString
        highlighting: aString)

It is quite fast.



Am Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 15:13:43 UTC+2 schrieb Louis LaBrunda:
Hi Joachim,

+1 and how about a case insensitive option.


On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 5:13:20 AM UTC-4, Joachim Tuchel wrote:
I would like to suggest an improvement for VA Assist Pro.

If you search for Methods including a String, the whole process takes a lot of time. That is nothing new.
But the search blocks the whole image and unfortunately also doesn't give you a chance to look at the first hits it found thus far. Maybe the first one is already my candidate and I could cancel the search...

So instead of this:

Some browser that shows me those hits so far and the search in a background process might make the exoerience so much better. It should be possible to end the search and it should be possible to still browser around - even if this may have an impact on the search results...

What do people think?


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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

Lawrence Trutter
In reply to this post by Louis LaBrunda


On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 8:13:43 AM UTC-5, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Joachim,

+1 and how about a case insensitive option.


On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 5:13:20 AM UTC-4, Joachim Tuchel wrote:
I would like to suggest an improvement for VA Assist Pro.

If you search for Methods including a String, the whole process takes a lot of time. That is nothing new.
But the search blocks the whole image and unfortunately also doesn't give you a chance to look at the first hits it found thus far. Maybe the first one is already my candidate and I could cancel the search...

So instead of this:

Some browser that shows me those hits so far and the search in a background process might make the exoerience so much better. It should be possible to end the search and it should be possible to still browser around - even if this may have an impact on the search results...

What do people think?


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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

Santiago Cardoso Geller-3
In reply to this post by Louis LaBrunda
We use the following:

buscarString: aString
        "Devuelve los métodos que hacen referencia a aString."

    ^(CompiledMethod allInstances select: [ :each |
        (each stringLiterals select: [ :eachString |
            eachString asUppercase abtContains: aString asUppercase]) notEmpty ]) inspect

2017-05-30 10:13 GMT-03:00 Louis LaBrunda <[hidden email]>:
Hi Joachim,

+1 and how about a case insensitive option.


On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 5:13:20 AM UTC-4, Joachim Tuchel wrote:
I would like to suggest an improvement for VA Assist Pro.

If you search for Methods including a String, the whole process takes a lot of time. That is nothing new.
But the search blocks the whole image and unfortunately also doesn't give you a chance to look at the first hits it found thus far. Maybe the first one is already my candidate and I could cancel the search...

So instead of this:

Some browser that shows me those hits so far and the search in a background process might make the exoerience so much better. It should be possible to end the search and it should be possible to still browser around - even if this may have an impact on the search results...

What do people think?


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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

Santiago Cardoso Geller-3
Sorry, this method implementation is required:

^self allLiterals select: [ :eachLiteral | eachLiteral class == String ]

2017-05-30 15:50 GMT-03:00 Santiago Cardoso Geller <[hidden email]>:
We use the following:

buscarString: aString
        "Devuelve los métodos que hacen referencia a aString."

    ^(CompiledMethod allInstances select: [ :each |
        (each stringLiterals select: [ :eachString |
            eachString asUppercase abtContains: aString asUppercase]) notEmpty ]) inspect

2017-05-30 10:13 GMT-03:00 Louis LaBrunda <[hidden email]>:
Hi Joachim,

+1 and how about a case insensitive option.


On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 5:13:20 AM UTC-4, Joachim Tuchel wrote:
I would like to suggest an improvement for VA Assist Pro.

If you search for Methods including a String, the whole process takes a lot of time. That is nothing new.
But the search blocks the whole image and unfortunately also doesn't give you a chance to look at the first hits it found thus far. Maybe the first one is already my candidate and I could cancel the search...

So instead of this:

Some browser that shows me those hits so far and the search in a background process might make the exoerience so much better. It should be possible to end the search and it should be possible to still browser around - even if this may have an impact on the search results...

What do people think?


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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

Ben van Dijk
In reply to this post by jtuchel

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Re: Improvement: VA Assist Pro / Search Methods including

In reply to this post by jtuchel
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. And the code!

I will add this to Instantiations to do list. The major issue for us is ensuring that a change like this does not break anything else.

Donald [|]

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