Incomplete area copy Exception on 256 Color Display

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Incomplete area copy Exception on 256 Color Display

Runar Jordahl
We have run into a problem in Windows 2000 when using 256 color
displays. Here is the description of how to reproduce our problem:

1 Change to 256-color display
2 Start a base 7.4 image
3 Open a new workspace and  evaluate the snippet below:

|window gc|
window := TransientWindow openNewIn: (10@10 extent: 100@20).
gc := ScreenGraphicsContext on: window.
window close.
gc colorValueForPaint: SymbolicPaint background.

- If called using a 256 color display, an exception is raised.
- If called when "true color" (32 bit) is used, no exception is raised.

The root of the problem in our application is caused by a call to
SymbolicPaint>>asColorValue. This happens when a closed menu window is
being used. The implementation of #asColorValue is this:

^Window currentWindow
[| pixmap |
pixmap := Pixmap extent: 1 @ 1.
(pixmap graphicsContext)
paint: self;
displayRectangle: pixmap bounds.
pixmap asImage valueAtPoint: 0 @ 0]
ifNotNil: [:window | window graphicsContext colorValueForPaint: self]

We think there should be a test to ensure that if a window is found,
it must be valid. In other words; it must answer false to #isInvalid.
We have a situation where "Window currentWindow" answers a window (a
TransientWindow), but the window is no longer valid.

We changed the method to look like this:

        | currentWindow |
        currentWindow := Window currentWindow.
        (currentWindow isNil or: [currentWindow isInvalid])
                ifTrue: [| pixmap |
                        pixmap := Pixmap extent: 1 @ 1.
                        pixmap graphicsContext
                                paint: self;
                                displayRectangle: pixmap bounds.
                        pixmap asImage valueAtPoint: 0 @ 0]
                ifFalse: [currentWindow graphicsContext colorValueForPaint: self]

The change does not correct the initial problem described, but it
ensures that our application never gets into that problem.

Our suggestion is that Cincom look at the initial error, and see
whether VisualWorks could be changed to behave similar on true color
and 256 colors displays. Either is should generate an exception in
both cases, or succeed for both. It would also be nice if someone
considered whether the proposed change in #asColorValue should be
included in a later release.

Runar Jordahl

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RE: Incomplete area copy Exception on 256 Color Display

Thomas Brodt
Sometimes life has funny surprises. Just today we harvested some error log
files from client installations and these contained exactly this error which
we never have seen before.
So I can confirm that is is on win2000.

But our deployed version is 7.3.1 (image and vm), not 7.4, so it seems to be
an issue for that version, too.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Runar Jordahl [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:06 PM
> To: vwnc-list
> Subject: Incomplete area copy Exception on 256 Color Display
> We have run into a problem in Windows 2000 when using 256 color
> displays. Here is the description of how to reproduce our problem:
> 1 Change to 256-color display
> 2 Start a base 7.4 image
> 3 Open a new workspace and  evaluate the snippet below:
> |window gc|
> window := TransientWindow openNewIn: (10@10 extent: 100@20).
> gc := ScreenGraphicsContext on: window.
> window close.
> gc colorValueForPaint: SymbolicPaint background.
> - If called using a 256 color display, an exception is raised.
> - If called when "true color" (32 bit) is used, no exception
> is raised.
> The root of the problem in our application is caused by a call to
> SymbolicPaint>>asColorValue. This happens when a closed menu window is
> being used. The implementation of #asColorValue is this:
> ^Window currentWindow
> ifNil:
> [| pixmap |
> pixmap := Pixmap extent: 1 @ 1.
> (pixmap graphicsContext)
> paint: self;
> displayRectangle: pixmap bounds.
> pixmap asImage valueAtPoint: 0 @ 0]
> ifNotNil: [:window | window graphicsContext colorValueForPaint: self]
> We think there should be a test to ensure that if a window is found,
> it must be valid. In other words; it must answer false to #isInvalid.
> We have a situation where "Window currentWindow" answers a window (a
> TransientWindow), but the window is no longer valid.
> We changed the method to look like this:
> asColorValue
> | currentWindow |
> currentWindow := Window currentWindow.
> (currentWindow isNil or: [currentWindow isInvalid])
> ifTrue: [| pixmap |
> pixmap := Pixmap extent: 1 @ 1.
> pixmap graphicsContext
> paint: self;
> displayRectangle: pixmap bounds.
> pixmap asImage valueAtPoint: 0 @ 0]
> ifFalse: [currentWindow graphicsContext
> colorValueForPaint: self]
> The change does not correct the initial problem described, but it
> ensures that our application never gets into that problem.
> Our suggestion is that Cincom look at the initial error, and see
> whether VisualWorks could be changed to behave similar on true color
> and 256 colors displays. Either is should generate an exception in
> both cases, or succeed for both. It would also be nice if someone
> considered whether the proposed change in #asColorValue should be
> included in a later release.
> Runar Jordahl

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Re: Incomplete area copy Exception on 256 Color Display

Runar Jordahl
The change I proposed May 30th in #asColorValue should be ignored! It
did not work properly on Windows XP. Below is another attempt to
correct the same problem:

        ^Window currentWindow
                ifNil: [| pixmap |
                        pixmap := Pixmap extent: 1 @ 1.
                        pixmap graphicsContext
                                paint: self;
                                displayRectangle: pixmap bounds.
                        pixmap asImage valueAtPoint: 0 @ 0]
                ifNotNil: [:window |
                        [window graphicsContext colorValueForPaint: self] on: Error do:
[:exception | ColorValue black]]