Independent consultant needed for a clothing design company preparing a brief on OOP in Smalltalk.

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Independent consultant needed for a clothing design company preparing a brief on OOP in Smalltalk.

We were hired for a project that studies the potential applications of computer tech in art, psychology and clothing design.

Our principal advisor has selected Smalltalk as the language of choice. Mainly because of it simplicity and because it's mature, easy to understand and free.

You will be talking to the designer of the brief, he has 'creative' programming experience and understands concepts like OOP and design patterns like MVC. He knows his way around the Squeak, Pharo UIs.

Patterns is the key word here. He will the construct, in his own time some diagrams and pattern designs that we need.
Essentially he will ask you to show him around smalltalk code, dive into the object hierarchy of a package of your choice. This program can be something simple or complicated but you have to know everything about it. It can be a small game or something simple you wrote.

Hardware requirements:
1. You must be able to talk to him via Skype or FaceTime or some other audio connection (video is not required).

2. You must be able to share the your screen or part of it so he can see what you are doing in Squeak/Pharo and ask questions accordingly.

3. An open mind. :)

Time requirements:
1. You can negotiate any schedule you like, 'meetings' don't last more than an hour. You can talk a couple of times a week.

1. You can negotiate any amount you like, billing by the hour. First hour is non divisible, 15 min intervals after that.

PS. Essentially you will both be talking about Smalltalk and occasionally he will ask you to show him something on screen, like '