[Informal Report] Building the next FunSqueak using Cog - 4
Mandatory screenshot shows we have MorphicWrappers&MathMorphs again
Thanks Leandro, Valeria , Luciano, Gerardo and many more !!!!
I follow same recipe as in http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6050, dowload also LinearAlgebraI.morph <http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/uploads/6050/LinearAlgebraI.morph> and ModularIntegers.morph <http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/uploads/6050/ModularIntegers.morph> to same folder I building FunSquek load as morph.
Presto, all works, inclusive “Aerial typing” was able to correct a minor typo and work when test.
I saw in recent mails some asking Maui or BobsUi, why he do not follow this wonder named MorphicWrappers ?
Combine with Ecompletion and you have some...
P.S Minor collateral trouble, same i got in my SqueakLighjt3.
Why selecting a .moph in FileList we have two buttons now and in 3.10 only one which is correct?