Inspector has no status bar - would be useful

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Inspector has no status bar - would be useful

I often find when inspecting objects that have many variables - that its not
always obvious what the class of the variables is. Clicking on them shows me
their #printOn: but that doesn't always show the class.

The main rooted variable appears in the inspector title but that never

I am thinking it would be useful if the inspector had a status bar, and that
could show you the class of the currently selected item.

If am asking this before posting a feature request becuase often people
point out some useful keyboard shortcut I've missed (and also becuase I
guess we're trying to bring the product to a final release).


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Re: Inspector has no status bar - would be useful

Chris Uppal-3
TimM wrote:

> I am thinking it would be useful if the inspector had a status bar, and
> that could show you the class of the currently selected item.
> If am asking this before posting a feature request becuase often people
> point out some useful keyboard shortcut I've missed (and also becuase I
> guess we're trying to bring the product to a final release).

I don't know whether the feature can be added to D6 now, or even whether anyone
else would want it to be, but I /do/ know that it's a feature that I've been
intending to add to my own inspector for at least two years and still haven't
got around to...

    -- chris