i work to load Seaside and Magritte into Gemstone. I have 2 repository: one Gemstone 3.4.1. and one Gemstone 3.4.2. ( create today with the command: createStone base_342 3.4.2 ). The Tode environment manages both. In the site i found this: Install in Gemstone
Now when i do this
script by Tode workspace the system erase the error: Could not resolve: Seaside-Core [Seaside-Core.gemstone] in cache github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository (4) ( in both systems: 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 ) Some considerations ? Thanks, Dario _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
I think you are loading the Pharo version of Seaside. Check:
regards, bruno El 20/09/2018 a las 12:08,
[hidden email] via Glass escribió:
Ciao, _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
Hi Dario,
The GemStone port was incorporated into the main Seaside repo some time ago. I just created a new 3.4.2 stone and loaded seaside with the following executed in a workspace: GsDeployer deploy: [ Metacello new baseline: 'Seaside3'; repository: '<a href="github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository" class="">github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository'; load: #('Core' 'Development' 'Zinc'); lock. ]. It worked well, and since it’s essentially the same command you were using, I’m not sure what issue you encountered. Cheers, Jupiter
_______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
On 09/20/2018 08:08 AM,
[hidden email] via Glass wrote:
Ciao,Could you provide the full output from the build ... there might might be useful information in the log output preceding the error ... I just ran the above install script in a 3.4.2 stone and it ran fine ... I've attached my transcript output to my file ... If you provide the full transcript output of your run, I might be able to tell what is going on ... Dale
_______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
Ciao Dale, Jupiter,
Today i submit the same script into 3.4.1 tode workspace and it ran fine. I did not understand what has changed in the meantime. ( The only issue is relative to the Compile error in Class: GRPlatformTest method: testGreaseString ) Now i need to load the Magritte support and Pier CMS in Gemstone. Can anyone tell me how we are made about it?
How can I proceed to do this? Thanks, Dario _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
It point to: origin (push)
For Magritte i submit: GsDeployer deploy: [ Metacello newbaseline: 'Magritte'; repository: '<a href="github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source'">github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source'; onLock: [:ex | ex honor]; load ]. The system could not resolve: a) Magritte-Merging [Magritte-Merging] in cache <a href="github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source">github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source b) Magritte-Bootstrap [Magritte-Bootstrap] in cache <a href="github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source">github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source These packages are missing into <a href="github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source">github://Magritte-metamodel/Magritte:master/source Considerations ? Another questions: i can clone these repository ? I fork both but i don't understand how i should proceed. Thanks, Dario _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
On 09/21/2018 03:43 AM, Trussardi Dario
Romano via Glass wrote:
Dario, If you are going to use Pier, then I think that you need to consider the fact that Pier probably does not work on top of the latest Seaside version ... so you probably need to install Pier and then let the Pier baseline drive which version of Magritte and Seaside are needed ... Poking around on my machine I found that I hav a Pier stone for GemStone 3.2.11 from 2015 ... and I ran the tODE install and it loaded successfully ... here's the relevant entries from the project list (you can see which versions of things it is using...: -------------------- |+ Seaside3| 2984ce1 [gs_master] filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/Seaside31/repository GsDevKit_home 6434a73 [issue_200] $GS_HOME FastCGI Project 0.237 [release] |FileTree| e53944d [gemstone_24_dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/filetree/repository Gofer [release] |Grease| c4715e9 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/Grease/repository |Metacello| 2f5cd0f [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/metacello-work/repository |Pier3| 3.0.0 [release] |Ston| 25aace1 ^ ad9d4bc [gemstone_dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/ston/repository |Tode| de2b1a9 ^ 28c92f2 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/tode/repository |GsApplicationTools| 898232b [master] filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/gsApplicationTools/repository |RB| f67b448 ^ 5e8b88c [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/rb/repository |GLASS1| ca1ef30 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/glass/repository |Magritte3| daf2b1d [master] filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/Magritte3/repository Swazoo2 [release] |ZincHTTPComponents| 36265f1 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/zinc/repository |XMLSupport| It looks like Pier is using Seaside3.1 ... I haven't run the tests, but I assume that I created this stone because these were versions of projects that were "know to work together" ... I haven't tried this on a later version of GemStone ... we could probably make it work on later versions of GemStone, but I think you should perhaps evaluate the Pier environment in a 3.2.11 stone using the tode install scripts that I used ... If you are happy with the 3.2.11 setup, then we can work together to make sure that this environment works in a recent version of GemStone ... I also don't know if there is a later version of Pier available or not ... if there is we can work together to get it ported/running in GemStone as well ... Let me know if you want to try loading up Pier 3.0.0 using my tODE scripts and I'll package them up for you... Dale _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
Hi Dario,
Since Pillar was extracted from Pier and extended, some of those extensions use traits in Pharo, so it’s no longer a smalltalk community project - rather Pharo only for now. I had a go at porting it to GemStone some time back, and getting Pier to work in GS3.4.x and Seaside 3.2 with some success, but I haven’t had a project that needed it so it hasn’t been revisited in a while. You can find it at: You should be able to load the Pier configuration and it will find the right dependencies - sorry I’m not able to test that now for you but I’ll give it a go next weekend. Cheers, J
_______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
> Hi Dario,
> > Since Pillar was extracted from Pier and extended, some of those extensions use traits in Pharo, so it’s no longer a smalltalk community project - rather Pharo only for now. It's possible to move methods from Pharo Traits to the proper Pier superclass (or Object class) and everything should be fine IMHO. But yes, it's some work, you can make a porting work on the Pharo side and then export final work to the Gemstone, or hack package loader on Gemstone side or something like this (even more work)... If I understood it well, something new about project loading/managing is baking at Gemstone - new Tonel format etc etc. It would be nice if Gemstone were ready for new things (Traits) coming from Pharo and make needed conversions automatically - lot of stuff/libraries comes from Pharo and the gap expands... pf > > I had a go at porting it to GemStone some time back, and getting Pier to work in GS3.4.x and Seaside 3.2 with some success, but I haven’t had a project that needed it so it hasn’t been revisited in a while. > > You can find it at: > > <> > <> > > You should be able to load the Pier configuration and it will find the right dependencies - sorry I’m not able to test that now for you but I’ll give it a go next weekend. > > Cheers, > > J > > > On 26 Sep 2018, at 3:42 am, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote: > > > > > > > > On 09/21/2018 03:43 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass wrote: > >> Ciao Dale, Jupiter, > >> > >> > >> Now i need to load the Magritte support and Pier CMS in Gemstone. > > Dario, > > > > If you are going to use Pier, then I think that you need to consider the fact that Pier probably does not work on top of the latest Seaside version ... so you probably need to install Pier and then let the Pier baseline drive which version of Magritte and Seaside are needed ... > > > > Poking around on my machine I found that I hav a Pier stone for GemStone 3.2.11 from 2015 ... and I ran the tODE install and it loaded successfully ... here's the relevant entries from the project list (you can see which versions of things it is using...: > > > > -------------------- > > |+ Seaside3| 2984ce1 [gs_master] filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/Seaside31/repository > > GsDevKit_home 6434a73 [issue_200] $GS_HOME > > FastCGI Project 0.237 [release] <> > > |FileTree| e53944d [gemstone_24_dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/filetree/repository > > Gofer [release] <> > > |Grease| c4715e9 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/Grease/repository > > |Metacello| 2f5cd0f [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/metacello-work/repository > > |Pier3| 3.0.0 [release] <> > > |Ston| 25aace1 ^ ad9d4bc [gemstone_dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/ston/repository > > |Tode| de2b1a9 ^ 28c92f2 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/tode/repository > > |GsApplicationTools| 898232b [master] filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/gsApplicationTools/repository > > |RB| f67b448 ^ 5e8b88c [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/rb/repository > > |GLASS1| ca1ef30 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/glass/repository > > |Magritte3| daf2b1d [master] filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/Magritte3/repository > > Swazoo2 [release] <> > > |ZincHTTPComponents| 36265f1 [dev] filetree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/shared/repos/zinc/repository > > |XMLSupport| <> > > > > It looks like Pier is using Seaside3.1 ... I haven't run the tests, but I assume that I created this stone because these were versions of projects that were "know to work together" ... I haven't tried this on a later version of GemStone ... we could probably make it work on later versions of GemStone, but I think you should perhaps evaluate the Pier environment in a 3.2.11 stone using the tode install scripts that I used ... > > > > If you are happy with the 3.2.11 setup, then we can work together to make sure that this environment works in a recent version of GemStone ... > > > > I also don't know if there is a later version of Pier available or not ... if there is we can work together to get it ported/running in GemStone as well ... > > > > Let me know if you want to try loading up Pier 3.0.0 using my tODE scripts and I'll package them up for you... > > > > Dale > > _______________________________________________ > > Glass mailing list > > [hidden email] > > > > _______________________________________________ > Glass mailing list > [hidden email] > _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
Am 26.09.18 um 08:31 schrieb Petr Fischer via Glass: >> Hi Dario, >> >> Since Pillar was extracted from Pier and extended, some of those extensions use traits in Pharo, so it’s no longer a smalltalk community project - rather Pharo only for now. > It's possible to move methods from Pharo Traits to the proper Pier superclass (or Object class) and everything should be fine IMHO. > But yes, it's some work, you can make a porting work on the Pharo side and then export final work to the Gemstone, or hack package loader on Gemstone side or something like this (even more work)... hmm. If that means Traits aren't really essential to Pier/Pillar, I wonder why they are being used. Is this intended to balkanize and fragment the Smalltalk market a little more? I guess we've already lerned that fragmentation is not a good base for a viable market. > > If I understood it well, something new about project loading/managing is baking at Gemstone - new Tonel format etc etc. It would be nice if Gemstone were ready for new things (Traits) coming from Pharo and make needed conversions automatically - lot of stuff/libraries comes from Pharo and the gap expands... That's an interesting point. I guess if Traits show to be useful, it makes absolute sense to look into them - not only for Gemstone but also other vendors. Don't get me wrong: I wouldn't mind if Pharo takes the lead on Smalltalk. Better Pharo does than we all stay on our ivory tower or balloon for another 25 years, looking down at the rest in disgust, because "that was all invented in our language - we just never finished it". Joachim _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
I simply flattened the traits and made sure the tests still passed. I added a class named PillarPortTool (or something similar) that should allow Pillar updates to be reasonably automatically ported to GemStone moving forward. Maybe in the future GS will also adopt traits and all those Pharo specific libraries will again become cross platform. Of course by then, Pharo will have probably “uniqued” itself again and still nothing will be easily portable :) J _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
> On 26 Sep2018, at 3:44 AM, [hidden email] via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote: > > Petr, > > Am 26.09.18 um 08:31 schrieb Petr Fischer via Glass: >>> Hi Dario, >>> >>> Since Pillar was extracted from Pier and extended, some of those extensions use traits in Pharo, so it’s no longer a smalltalk community project - rather Pharo only for now. >> It's possible to move methods from Pharo Traits to the proper Pier superclass (or Object class) and everything should be fine IMHO. >> But yes, it's some work, you can make a porting work on the Pharo side and then export final work to the Gemstone, or hack package loader on Gemstone side or something like this (even more work)... > > hmm. If that means Traits aren't really essential to Pier/Pillar, I wonder why they are being used. Is this intended to balkanize and fragment the Smalltalk market a little more? I guess we've already lerned that fragmentation is not a good base for a viable market. >> >> If I understood it well, something new about project loading/managing is baking at Gemstone - new Tonel format etc etc. It would be nice if Gemstone were ready for new things (Traits) coming from Pharo and make needed conversions automatically - lot of stuff/libraries comes from Pharo and the gap expands... > > That's an interesting point. I guess if Traits show to be useful, it makes absolute sense to look into them - not only for Gemstone but also other vendors. > Don't get me wrong: I wouldn't mind if Pharo takes the lead on Smalltalk. Better Pharo does than we all stay on our ivory tower or balloon for another 25 years, looking down at the rest in disgust, because "that was all invented in our language - we just never finished it”. There definitely is some utility in Traits and I agree that a common implementation should be done across all Smalltalk dialects. But I also think that they are the new shiny tool and it may be abused. I find that composition is often sufficient to resolve issues where Traits are used. Reg > > Joachim > > _______________________________________________ > Glass mailing list > [hidden email] > _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
On 09/26/2018 01:11 AM, Jupiter Jones
via Glass wrote:
Take look at the GsSqueak project[1] where a group of pretty talented HPI bachelor students were able to get Squeak code running on top of GemStone. Personally I think this is the direction that would provide a "solution" to cross platform compatibility --- namely have Pharo and Squeak code run "native" on top of the GemStone vm ... this approach would mean that we wouldn't have to modify GemStone Smalltalk to track Pharo or Squeak - we would have to add vm level support like traits support, but it is something that we'd be willing to do (we actively supported the GsSqueak project with vm changes to the GemStone 3.5 alpha)... Dale [1]
_______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
I’m getting errors when compiling methods compiling methods with selectors #and: #or: #repeat
For example: Condition class(Behavior)>>compileMethod:category: @10 line 16' and: aCondition\ and: aCondition ^ CompositeCondition satisfying: self and: aCondition 1: [1046] You may not compile a method for this selector. Are these reserved selector names or is something else going on? Cheers, J _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
Yes, the Programming Guide has a list of reserved selectors. "There are a few selectors that have been reserved for the sole use of the GemStone kernel classes. The compiler will not allow you to compile methods with reserved selectors."
_______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
Other Smalltalk dialects have similar restrictions, due to compiler
limitations or because some selectors are optimized. For these cases frameworks like GLORP use #AND:/#OR: selectors, I don't like them, but at least the readability of the code remains similar to that of #and/#or: Regards, -- Esteban A. Maringolo On 10/10/2018 09:48, James Foster via Glass wrote: > Yes, the Programming Guide has a list of reserved selectors. > > "There are a few selectors that have been reserved for the sole use of > the GemStone kernel classes. The compiler will not allow you to compile > methods with reserved selectors." > > — > > >> On Oct 9, 2018, at 11:53 PM, Jupiter Jones via Glass >> <[hidden email] >> <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote: >> >> I’m getting errors when compiling methods compiling methods with >> selectors #and: #or: #repeat >> >> For example: >> >> Condition class(Behavior)>>compileMethod:category: @10 line 16' and: >> aCondition\ and: aCondition >> ^ CompositeCondition satisfying: self and: aCondition >> >> 1: [1046] You may not compile a method for this selector. >> >> Are these reserved selector names or is something else going on? _______________________________________________ Glass mailing list [hidden email] |
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