Installation problem "SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty"

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Installation problem "SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty"

Patrick Lauper
Hi all,

I just downloaded a Dolphin 5.1 trial and tried to install. When starting
the application with the "Fresh Install" shortcut (the other doesn't work)
and entering the serial number I get the following error:

MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty.

When clicking on OK, the application just quits. Tried with Standard and
Professional Edition, running on Win2000. Am I doing something wrong?

This is what is written to the file "Standard Edition (Fresh

21:06:19, Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2003: Unhandled exception - a
MessageNotUnderstood('SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty')

[] in UnlockDialog>>wmCommand:wParam:lParam:
[] in Win32Error(Exception)>>_evaluateHandler:in:
Win32Error class(Exception class)>>signal:
[] in UnlockDialog>>wmCommand:wParam:lParam:

Patrick Lauper

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Re: Installation problem "SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty"

Andy Bower

> I just downloaded a Dolphin 5.1 trial and tried to install. When starting
> the application with the "Fresh Install" shortcut (the other doesn't work)
> and entering the serial number I get the following error:
> MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty.
> When clicking on OK, the application just quits. Tried with Standard and
> Professional Edition, running on Win2000. Am I doing something wrong?
> This is what is written to the file "Standard Edition (Fresh
> Install).errors":
> 21:06:19, Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2003: Unhandled exception - a
> MessageNotUnderstood('SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty')
> SmallInteger(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
> Win32Error(HRESULTError)>>messageText
> Win32Error>>_descriptionArguments
> Win32Error(Exception)>>description
> [] in UnlockDialog>>wmCommand:wParam:lParam:
> [] in Win32Error(Exception)>>_evaluateHandler:in:
> BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Win32Error(Exception)>>_evaluateHandler:in:
> Win32Error(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:
> Win32Error(Exception)>>_propagate
> Win32Error(Exception)>>signal
> Win32Error(Exception)>>signal:
> Win32Error class(Exception class)>>signal:
> RegKey(RegKeyAbstract)>>privateCreateKey:
> RegKey(RegKeyAbstract)>>createKey:
> rs:
> UnlockDialog>>unlockProduct
> UnlockDialog>>unlock
> [] in UnlockDialog>>wmCommand:wParam:lParam:

 From this walkback trace it seems that the system is having problems
accessing the system registry where it stores the Dolphin serial number (so
it can automatically retrieve it during subsequent fresh installs). I
suspect that the error being reported is incorrect (due to bug #1271 that
has recently been fixed in 5.1.1). What is most likely the problem is that
you are trying to run Dolphin while being logged on to Win2K as a user with
insufficient rights to modify the registry. Can you try boosting your user
rights to Power User or Administrator until you have completed the Fresh
Install process? After that point you should be able to run Dolphin while
logged on as any user.

It seems somewhat inconvenient that the Fresh Install can't be run without
enhanced rights so I've entered a bug report (#1292)  and we'll try and
address this issue in a future release.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Installation problem "SmallInteger does not understand #isEmpty"

Patrick Lauper
Hi Andy,

Thank for your advice, I had to change rights in the registry directly to
get it running, all entries under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Object Arts"
had no rights for any user. I think I first tried installing with Standard
Edition Full install (DSESetup51.exe), but it failed somewhere while
installing files, aborting the installation process. Then I downloaded the
msi-installer and installed this way. Maybe the first file I downloaded was
corrupted in some way.


"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:3ee8b0c6$[hidden email]...
> From this walkback trace it seems that the system is having problems
> accessing the system registry where it stores the Dolphin serial number
> it can automatically retrieve it during subsequent fresh installs). I
> suspect that the error being reported is incorrect (due to bug #1271 that
> has recently been fixed in 5.1.1). What is most likely the problem is that
> you are trying to run Dolphin while being logged on to Win2K as a user

> insufficient rights to modify the registry. Can you try boosting your user
> rights to Power User or Administrator until you have completed the Fresh
> Install process? After that point you should be able to run Dolphin while
> logged on as any user.
> It seems somewhat inconvenient that the Fresh Install can't be run without
> enhanced rights so I've entered a bug report (#1292)  and we'll try and
> address this issue in a future release.
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> ---
> Are you trying too hard?
> ---