Installing Pillar tools in Moose 5, dirty packages

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Installing Pillar tools in Moose 5, dirty packages

Stephan Eggermont-3
Hi, when trying out the new pillar inspector (Great!)
I noticed some issues with PetitTest and PetitAnalyzer.
Their packages are dirty after
#ConfigurationOfPetitParserIslands asClass loadDevelopment.

I've tried it on Pharo For The Enterprise
Much easier to use than a plain text viewer.
Here are some more common constructs to handle:
- ending a code block with]]] at the end of line
- ClassName>>methodName
- ClassName class>>methodName

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Re: Installing Pillar tools in Moose 5, dirty packages

Tudor Girba-2

Indeed, I know about the dirty packages. They will be gone once island parsing will be integrated into PetitParser. It's my way of incentivising Jan :)


On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, when trying out the new pillar inspector (Great!)
I noticed some issues with PetitTest and PetitAnalyzer.
Their packages are dirty after
#ConfigurationOfPetitParserIslands asClass loadDevelopment.

I've tried it on Pharo For The Enterprise
Much easier to use than a plain text viewer.
Here are some more common constructs to handle:
- ending a code block with]]] at the end of line
- ClassName>>methodName
- ClassName class>>methodName

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