Installing Voyage ??

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Installing Voyage ??

When I follow the procedure at

to install Voyage in a 4.0 image, it leads to an unfonctonnal Voyage
(timeout on socket when doing a query)

My configure baseline  is just as simple as the one bellow.
All is loaded fine but Voyage.

Any suggestion?


baseline10: spec
<version: '1.0-baseline'>
"This is Work-In-Progress and should be renamed upon stabilization"
        spec for: #common do: [
                spec blessing: #baseline.
                "External PROJECTS dependencies"
                spec project: 'voyage' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
                                repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage:master/mc';
                                versionString: #stable.
                spec project: 'osprocess' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfOSProcess';
                                repository: '';
                                versionString: #stable].
                spec project: 'mustache' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfMustache';
                                repository: '';
                                versionString: #stable].
                spec project: 'neocsv' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfNeoCSV';
                                repository: '';
                                versionString: #stable].
                spec project: 'seaside' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';
                                versionString: #stable].
                spec project: 'bootstrap' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfBootstrap';
                                versionString: #stable].
                spec package: 'mold' with: [
                        spec repository:
                "Our PACKAGES dependencies"
                        package: 'Cofigest' with: [
                                spec requires: #('neocsv' 'mustache' 'osprocess' 'voyage')];
                        package: 'Cofigest-Bank products' with: [
                                spec requires: 'Cofigest'];
                        package: 'Cofigest-Seaside' with: [
                                spec requires: #('Cofigest' 'Cofigest-Bank products' 'seaside'
'bootstrap' 'mold')];
                        package: 'Cofigest-Tests' with: [
                                spec requires: #('Cofigest' 'Cofigest-Bank products')]

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

I try with the modified configure:

        spec project: 'voyage' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
                                repository: '';
                                versionString: #stable.

But it does not work either. Error at installation this time. Can'find

Then I tried this one:

                spec project: 'voyage' with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
                                versionString: #stable.

In all case the installed Voyage is not fully fonctionnal

It is weird because my dev image is 4.0 Pharo based, and Voyage was
installed from the MetaRepoForPharo60

Any ideas


Le 25/03/2017 à 10:47, Hilaire a écrit :
> My configure baseline  is just as simple as the one bellow.
> All is loaded fine but Voyage.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

Hi Hilaire, 

thing is:

1) you use github project, then the baseline

baseline: ‘Voyage’ 
with: [ spec repository: '<a href="github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc" class="">github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc’ ].

2) or you use the metarepo configuration 

spec project: 'voyage' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
repository: '’ ].

why this one is not fully functional?

then aside that… one thing I do not understand is why you are develop a new project with an old (and not maintained anymore) Pharo version? 
Currently supported version is Pharo5, and even if Voyage is an external project, usually development follows Pharo stable version…


On 25 Mar 2017, at 11:16, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

I try with the modified configure:

spec project: 'voyage' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
repository: '';
versionString: #stable.

But it does not work either. Error at installation this time. Can'find

Then I tried this one:

spec project: 'voyage' with: [
className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
versionString: #stable.

In all case the installed Voyage is not fully fonctionnal

It is weird because my dev image is 4.0 Pharo based, and Voyage was
installed from the MetaRepoForPharo60

Any ideas


Le 25/03/2017 à 10:47, Hilaire a écrit :
My configure baseline  is just as simple as the one bellow.
All is loaded fine but Voyage.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

It is not a new project. It started with Pharo3. Then I see no reason
why I can't load the Voyage code of the time of Pharo4, with the
matching code version. It should be still there, is not the purpose of
Configuration? Or may be I misunderstand how version is working and its


Le 25/03/2017 à 18:08, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
> then aside that… one thing I do not understand is why you are develop a
> new project with an old (and not maintained anymore) Pharo version?
> Currently supported version is Pharo5, and even if Voyage is an external
> project, usually development follows Pharo stable version…

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

In reply to this post by EstebanLM
Ok I try this configuration, looks like he wants to install UnQLite. See
debug log.


Le 25/03/2017 à 18:08, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
> spec project: 'voyage' with: [
> spec
> className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
> repository: '’
> <> ].
> why this one is not fully functional?

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

> On 25 Mar 2017, at 19:46, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> It is not a new project. It started with Pharo3. Then I see no reason
> why I can't load the Voyage code of the time of Pharo4, with the
> matching code version. It should be still there, is not the purpose of
> Configuration? Or may be I misunderstand how version is working and its
> purpose.

Voyage works on Pharo 4, I  was just wondering why you are still using 4 :)

> Hilaire
> Le 25/03/2017 à 18:08, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
>> then aside that… one thing I do not understand is why you are develop a
>> new project with an old (and not maintained anymore) Pharo version?
>> Currently supported version is Pharo5, and even if Voyage is an external
>> project, usually development follows Pharo stable version…
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

Stephane Ducasse-3
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

Yes you can load and old version and it should behave with the old behavior and 
potentially old bugs. You have the right. This is what a configuration gives you. 

Now esteban has the right to only add features and fix bugs in the maintained versions. 
And he could also consider that he does not want to help people using old versions because
he is spending a lot of time improving the new ones.

Apple, M$ and plenty of others do it this way and they have a lot more money than us. 


On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 7:46 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
It is not a new project. It started with Pharo3. Then I see no reason
why I can't load the Voyage code of the time of Pharo4, with the
matching code version. It should be still there, is not the purpose of
Configuration? Or may be I misunderstand how version is working and its


Le 25/03/2017 à 18:08, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
> then aside that… one thing I do not understand is why you are develop a
> new project with an old (and not maintained anymore) Pharo version?
> Currently supported version is Pharo5, and even if Voyage is an external
> project, usually development follows Pharo stable version…

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes
I just did this:

Gofer new
        smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'MetaRepoForPharo60';
        configurationOf: 'VoyageMongo';

(which is the same to the one you did)

in a fresh Pharo4 and it loaded fine. No UnQLite (which is correct).
Now, I guess Metacello looks for all packages in baseline even if after it will not download them… maybe you are seeing this lookup, but it shouldn’t affect you.

So, I guess there is a problem somewhere, but not in the config or the installation. Maybe a package cache problem?


> On 25 Mar 2017, at 19:51, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Ok I try this configuration, looks like he wants to install UnQLite. See
> debug log.
> Hilaire
> Le 25/03/2017 à 18:08, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
>> spec project: 'voyage' with: [
>> spec
>> className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
>> repository: '’
>> <> ].
>> why this one is not fully functional?
> --
> Dr. Geo
> <PharoDebug.log>

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

Indeed, as I wrote in a previous email, this is how I got Voyage
installed too in my Pharo4 devel environment, and it went fine too.
Therefore the configuration should be ok. So this is weird.

It should not be package cache related because I build image with a
completely emptied build directory environment. So I am lost.

As A matter of fact, I ran the installation script with a Pharo5 image,
and now I get another error during the installation process. See bug
log. The repo config is the git one, as described in the first email of
this thread.


Le 25/03/2017 à 20:32, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :

> I just did this:
> Gofer new
> smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'MetaRepoForPharo60';
> configurationOf: 'VoyageMongo';
> loadStable.
> (which is the same to the one you did)
> in a fresh Pharo4 and it loaded fine. No UnQLite (which is correct).
> Now, I guess Metacello looks for all packages in baseline even if after it will not download them… maybe you are seeing this lookup, but it shouldn’t affect you.
> So, I guess there is a problem somewhere, but not in the config or the installation. Maybe a package cache problem?
> Esteban
Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

I think there is a bug in Voyage when an image clean up is requested.
There is a confusion with the #cleanUp: message.


Le 25/03/2017 à 21:26, Hilaire a écrit :
> As A matter of fact, I ran the installation script with a Pharo5 image,
> and now I get another error during the installation process. See bug
> log. The repo config is the git one, as described in the first email of
> this thread.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

More precisely with:

SmalltalkImage current cleanUp: true except: #() confirming: false.

It occurs in Pharo5, likely not in Pharo4, or may be I fixed in my
image, I don't remember.


Le 25/03/2017 à 21:33, Hilaire a écrit :
> I think there is a bug in Voyage when an image clean up is requested.
> There is a confusion with the #cleanUp: message.
> Hilaire

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

ah yeah, I wrote an internal durty hack to get it rolling

cleanUp: aRepository
(aRepository isKindOf: Boolean) ifFalse: [ aRepository dropDatabase]

Le 25/03/2017 à 21:46, Hilaire a écrit :
> It occurs in Pharo5, likely not in Pharo4, or may be I fixed in my
> image, I don't remember.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

I get that same problem, too, every time I do "Software update". But never understood the rationale of dropping a database at this point. I think we should remove this line


> Am 25.03.2017 um 22:04 schrieb Hilaire <[hidden email]>:
> ah yeah, I wrote an internal durty hack to get it rolling
> cleanUp: aRepository
> (aRepository isKindOf: Boolean) ifFalse: [ aRepository dropDatabase]
>> Le 25/03/2017 à 21:46, Hilaire a écrit :
>> It occurs in Pharo5, likely not in Pharo4, or may be I fixed in my
>> image, I don't remember.
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

Stephane Ducasse-3
Add an issue in the Voyage github repo and do a pull request to push esteban 
releasing a new version. 

On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]> wrote:
I get that same problem, too, every time I do "Software update". But never understood the rationale of dropping a database at this point. I think we should remove this line


> Am 25.03.2017 um 22:04 schrieb Hilaire <[hidden email]>:
> ah yeah, I wrote an internal durty hack to get it rolling
> cleanUp: aRepository
> (aRepository isKindOf: Boolean) ifFalse: [ aRepository dropDatabase]
>> Le 25/03/2017 à 21:46, Hilaire a écrit :
>> It occurs in Pharo5, likely not in Pharo4, or may be I fixed in my
>> image, I don't remember.
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: Installing Voyage ??

Thanks for the tip but I know that. I have full access to the voyage code. Without knowing the reason and context an issue is useless.


Am 26.03.2017 um 19:35 schrieb Stephane Ducasse <[hidden email]>:

Add an issue in the Voyage github repo and do a pull request to push esteban 
releasing a new version. 

On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]> wrote:
I get that same problem, too, every time I do "Software update". But never understood the rationale of dropping a database at this point. I think we should remove this line


> Am 25.03.2017 um 22:04 schrieb Hilaire <[hidden email]>:
> ah yeah, I wrote an internal durty hack to get it rolling
> cleanUp: aRepository
> (aRepository isKindOf: Boolean) ifFalse: [ aRepository dropDatabase]
>> Le 25/03/2017 à 21:46, Hilaire a écrit :
>> It occurs in Pharo5, likely not in Pharo4, or may be I fixed in my
>> image, I don't remember.
> --
> Dr. Geo