Instance-Epecific Behavior

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Instance-Epecific Behavior

pablo digonzelli
Reading Kent Beck's Guide to Better Smalltalk there is a section about
Instance Specific behavior.
This concept is interesting and i am trying to explore this with Dolphin.
The key is that an instance of some class has his own Behavior or
The point is when i am trying to do this I get different errors messages.
I am trying differents approachs.
A manner of example.

a := Client new

b := Behavior new superclass: Client.

b methodDictionary: MethodDictionary new.

o := b new.

Here I get a error that said me there no name for class. It is happened
because I do not create a class . I am using behavior to simulate the class.

 Other approachs give me other errors.I can't get the rigth one.

Can someone implement especific instance behavior with Dolphin ?



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Re: Instance-Epecific Behavior

Christopher J. Demers
Pablo Digonzelli <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:ap2044$r2s2k$[hidden email]...
> Hi
> Reading Kent Beck's Guide to Better Smalltalk there is a section about
> Instance Specific behavior.
> This concept is interesting and i am trying to explore this with Dolphin.

I have not done anything with this, but I do remember a conversation about
this.  A google groups search turned this up:
<a href=""> .

I think that message will provide what you are looking for.


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Re: Instance-Epecific Behavior

Udo Schneider
Christopher J. Demers wrote:
> I have not done anything with this, but I do remember a conversation about
> this.  A google groups search turned this up:
<a href="">
> .

I wrapped up the code submited by Andy in this thread in a form which is
similar to Kent Beck's code. Maybe this helps.


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Re: Instance-Epecific Behavior

pablo digonzelli
Thanks all !!!!
"Udo Schneider" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:ap2tha$qot9q$[hidden email]...
> Christopher J. Demers wrote:
> > I have not done anything with this, but I do remember a conversation
> > this.  A google groups search turned this up:
> >
<a href="">
> > .
> I wrapped up the code submited by Andy in this thread in a form which is
> similar to Kent Beck's code. Maybe this helps.
> Udo