Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

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Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

I wonder if anyone could help here. I am installing a BaselineOf in
Pharo 6.1 (Windows) using a script like the following:

    enableMetacelloIntegration: true;
    remoteTypeSelector: #httpsUrl.
Metacello new
    baseline: 'MyProject';
    repository: 'github://user/repo/src';

Unfortunately the repository is private and I cannot share the URL.
When I open the Iceberg UI all downloaded packages has "Local
repository missing" (see screenshots).

To fix this currently I assign manually the local directory (assuming
they were correctly downloaded).

Also I tried adding repository information in the #baseline: method

baseline: spec
        baseline: 'MyProject'
        with: [ spec repository: 'github://user/repo' ].

Any idea how could I debug this?



Iceberg repositories.png (73K) Download Attachment
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Re: Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

Hi Hernan, 

Pharo 6.1 has a very old version of iceberg that is obsoleted by current development. Nevertheless this error seems to indicate the download failed and sources are not present (this could be an “accumulative error”: the error could have happen before and now, since Iceberg looks for problems in pharo-local/iceberg (and version in pharo 6.1 silently accepts what is present there instead verify) it just fails all the time. 

To workaround this, I can think two possible paths: 

1. remove pharo-local/iceberg cache and try again.
2. disable iceberg-metacello integration: Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: false.

Both can work… if you still want to use iceberg in Pharo 6.1, along with the option 1 I suggest you to update iceberg version:


On 4 Jul 2018, at 19:57, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

I wonder if anyone could help here. I am installing a BaselineOf in
Pharo 6.1 (Windows) using a script like the following:

   enableMetacelloIntegration: true;
   remoteTypeSelector: #httpsUrl.
Metacello new
   baseline: 'MyProject';
   repository: '<a href="github://user/repo/src" class="">github://user/repo/src';

Unfortunately the repository is private and I cannot share the URL.
When I open the Iceberg UI all downloaded packages has "Local
repository missing" (see screenshots).

To fix this currently I assign manually the local directory (assuming
they were correctly downloaded).

Also I tried adding repository information in the #baseline: method

baseline: spec
       baseline: 'MyProject'
       with: [ spec repository: '<a href="github://user/repo" class="">github://user/repo' ].

Any idea how could I debug this?


<Iceberg repositories.png><Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id.png>

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Re: Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

Guillermo Polito
In reply to this post by hernanmd
Hi Hernán,

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 7:57 PM Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:
I wonder if anyone could help here. I am installing a BaselineOf in
Pharo 6.1 (Windows)

Unfortunately this version of Iceberg is too old... I'd go with what Esteban describes and try to see if upgrading gives you a better experience.
I know we have a couple of users of latest Iceberg on windows and it seems to work well.
using a script like the following:

    enableMetacelloIntegration: true;
    remoteTypeSelector: #httpsUrl.
Metacello new
    baseline: 'MyProject';
    repository: 'github://user/repo/src';

Unfortunately the repository is private and I cannot share the URL.
When I open the Iceberg UI all downloaded packages has "Local
repository missing" (see screenshots).

To fix this currently I assign manually the local directory (assuming
they were correctly downloaded).

You mean that they do not download/clone?
Maybe there is a problem with authentication or even network?

It's difficult to see without a way to reproduce it...

Also I tried adding repository information in the #baseline: method

baseline: spec
        baseline: 'MyProject'
        with: [ spec repository: 'github://user/repo' ].

I wonder why in the Metacello expression above you put the */src* and not here.
Is that ok?

Any idea how could I debug this?

Well, first things first, even if you expose a bug in this version, chances are that same bug does not exist in latest iceberg.
So maybe it does not make sense to try to fix it.

In any case, you should try to rule out problems in a one by one basis.
1. Check first if this is a basic iceberg problem (for example cloning). Are you able to clone your project through iceberg? Without using a metacello expression?
2. Check what happens if you disable metacello integration and try your metacello expression again. Does it load the code?

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Re: Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

In reply to this post by EstebanLM
Hi Esteban

2018-07-05 4:51 GMT-03:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:

> Hi Hernan,
> Pharo 6.1 has a very old version of iceberg that is obsoleted by current
> development. Nevertheless this error seems to indicate the download failed
> and sources are not present (this could be an “accumulative error”: the
> error could have happen before and now, since Iceberg looks for problems in
> pharo-local/iceberg (and version in pharo 6.1 silently accepts what is
> present there instead verify) it just fails all the time.
> To workaround this, I can think two possible paths:
> 1. remove pharo-local/iceberg cache and try again.
If you mean because of previous installations I use a clean image from zeroconf.

> 2. disable iceberg-metacello integration: Iceberg
> enableMetacelloIntegration: false.

Tried but received a dialog
does not exist.
Canceling just opened a pre-debug with "SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0"

> Both can work… if you still want to use iceberg in Pharo 6.1, along with the
> option 1 I suggest you to update iceberg version:

Ok, I updated to the latest version (currently 1.1.1) and now the
error exception doesn't appear anymore.
However iceberg Branch column is "Unknown" and Status is "Local
repository missing". This is weird since I installed in a clean image.
(See screenshot)

Thank you very much Esteban,



> cheers,
> Esteban
> On 4 Jul 2018, at 19:57, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone could help here. I am installing a BaselineOf in
> Pharo 6.1 (Windows) using a script like the following:
> Iceberg
>    enableMetacelloIntegration: true;
>    remoteTypeSelector: #httpsUrl.
> Metacello new
>    baseline: 'MyProject';
>    repository: 'github://user/repo/src';
>    load.
> Unfortunately the repository is private and I cannot share the URL.
> When I open the Iceberg UI all downloaded packages has "Local
> repository missing" (see screenshots).
> To fix this currently I assign manually the local directory (assuming
> they were correctly downloaded).
> Also I tried adding repository information in the #baseline: method
> baseline: spec
>    <baseline>
>    spec
>        baseline: 'MyProject'
>        with: [ spec repository: 'github://user/repo' ].
>     ....
> Any idea how could I debug this?
> Cheers,
> Hernán
> <Iceberg repositories.png><Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand
> #id.png>

Working copy of iceberg.png (171K) Download Attachment
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Re: Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id


are you sure you are giving the right path?
usually a github project is declared as: 

<a href="github://YourUserName/YourProjectName/YourCodeSubdirectory" class="">github://YourUserName/YourProjectName/YourCodeSubdirectory

that error means iceberg is not finding “YourCodeSubdirectory”


On 6 Jul 2018, at 17:07, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Esteban

2018-07-05 4:51 GMT-03:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
Hi Hernan,

Pharo 6.1 has a very old version of iceberg that is obsoleted by current
development. Nevertheless this error seems to indicate the download failed
and sources are not present (this could be an “accumulative error”: the
error could have happen before and now, since Iceberg looks for problems in
pharo-local/iceberg (and version in pharo 6.1 silently accepts what is
present there instead verify) it just fails all the time.

To workaround this, I can think two possible paths:

1. remove pharo-local/iceberg cache and try again.

If you mean because of previous installations I use a clean image from zeroconf.

2. disable iceberg-metacello integration: Iceberg
enableMetacelloIntegration: false.

Tried but received a dialog
does not exist.
Canceling just opened a pre-debug with "SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0"

Both can work… if you still want to use iceberg in Pharo 6.1, along with the
option 1 I suggest you to update iceberg version:

Ok, I updated to the latest version (currently 1.1.1) and now the
error exception doesn't appear anymore.
However iceberg Branch column is "Unknown" and Status is "Local
repository missing". This is weird since I installed in a clean image.
(See screenshot)

Thank you very much Esteban,




On 4 Jul 2018, at 19:57, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]>

I wonder if anyone could help here. I am installing a BaselineOf in
Pharo 6.1 (Windows) using a script like the following:

  enableMetacelloIntegration: true;
  remoteTypeSelector: #httpsUrl.
Metacello new
  baseline: 'MyProject';
  repository: '<a href="github://user/repo/src" class="">github://user/repo/src';

Unfortunately the repository is private and I cannot share the URL.
When I open the Iceberg UI all downloaded packages has "Local
repository missing" (see screenshots).

To fix this currently I assign manually the local directory (assuming
they were correctly downloaded).

Also I tried adding repository information in the #baseline: method

baseline: spec
      baseline: 'MyProject'
      with: [ spec repository: '<a href="github://user/repo" class="">github://user/repo' ].

Any idea how could I debug this?


<Iceberg repositories.png><Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand

<Working copy of iceberg.png>

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Re: Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

Guillermo Polito
In reply to this post by hernanmd
I'd like to add that I don't think that plain Metacello will work with private repositories. Metacello will try to load a zip ball from your project and I really doubt that github/bitbucket/gitlab provide you with that anonymously...

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 5:08 PM Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Esteban

2018-07-05 4:51 GMT-03:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
> Hi Hernan,
> Pharo 6.1 has a very old version of iceberg that is obsoleted by current
> development. Nevertheless this error seems to indicate the download failed
> and sources are not present (this could be an “accumulative error”: the
> error could have happen before and now, since Iceberg looks for problems in
> pharo-local/iceberg (and version in pharo 6.1 silently accepts what is
> present there instead verify) it just fails all the time.
> To workaround this, I can think two possible paths:
> 1. remove pharo-local/iceberg cache and try again.

If you mean because of previous installations I use a clean image from zeroconf.

> 2. disable iceberg-metacello integration: Iceberg
> enableMetacelloIntegration: false.

Tried but received a dialog
does not exist.
Canceling just opened a pre-debug with "SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0"

> Both can work… if you still want to use iceberg in Pharo 6.1, along with the
> option 1 I suggest you to update iceberg version:

Ok, I updated to the latest version (currently 1.1.1) and now the
error exception doesn't appear anymore.
However iceberg Branch column is "Unknown" and Status is "Local
repository missing". This is weird since I installed in a clean image.
(See screenshot)

Thank you very much Esteban,



> cheers,
> Esteban
> On 4 Jul 2018, at 19:57, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone could help here. I am installing a BaselineOf in
> Pharo 6.1 (Windows) using a script like the following:
> Iceberg
>    enableMetacelloIntegration: true;
>    remoteTypeSelector: #httpsUrl.
> Metacello new
>    baseline: 'MyProject';
>    repository: 'github://user/repo/src';
>    load.
> Unfortunately the repository is private and I cannot share the URL.
> When I open the Iceberg UI all downloaded packages has "Local
> repository missing" (see screenshots).
> To fix this currently I assign manually the local directory (assuming
> they were correctly downloaded).
> Also I tried adding repository information in the #baseline: method
> baseline: spec
>    <baseline>
>    spec
>        baseline: 'MyProject'
>        with: [ spec repository: 'github://user/repo' ].
>     ....
> Any idea how could I debug this?
> Cheers,
> Hernán
> <Iceberg repositories.png><Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand
> #id.png>



Guille Polito

Research Engineer

Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille

CRIStAL - UMR 9189

French National Center for Scientific Research -


Phone: +33 06 52 70 66 13

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Re: Instance of IceUnknownBranch did not understand #id

Sean P. DeNigris
Guillermo Polito wrote
> I'd like to add that I don't think that plain Metacello will work with
> private repositories.

Yes, that agrees with my memory for the reason you describe. There were also
other issues like supplied credentials not being honored. And even one of
the hosts you mentioned did not supply a tarball in the same way as the
others and was giving Dale problems IIRC.

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