I installed Etoys version 113 from OLPC.
The problem that we are having is, when I trying to save the project, journal option isn't showed on menu.
By suggestion from squeak dev-list, i checked the what parameters I'm passing at starting of squeak VM.
I executed "SmalltalkImage current extractParameters" on a XO (where Etoys is working fine and on a ClassMate with Ubuntu)
Te result are:
As you can see, on CM (Ubuntu) the Dictionary has the key-value inverted.
I got an echo output from script etoys of classmate, as you can see bellow.
Seems the passing argument is correct, right ?
exec squeak -encoding UTF-8 -vm-display-x11 -xshm -sugarBundleId org.vpri.EtoysActivity -sugarActivityId fb6717c7fece5e96de49f74ead6b01110228f086 -vm-sound-pulse /usr/share/etoys/etoys.image BUNDLE_PATH /usr/share/sugar/activities/Etoys.activity SQUEAKLETS /home/gustavo/.sugar/default/org.vpri.EtoysActivity/instance BUNDLE_ID org.vpri.EtoysActivity ACTIVITY_ID fb6717c7fece5e96de49f74ead6b01110228f086
Thanks in advance.