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Ron Teitelbaum-3
15 posts
Hi All,

As a quick introduction.  I'm a long time Smalltalker.  Started with
VisualWorks, and worked with Versant.  I've designed and built very large
institutional pharmacy (>10,000 Rx's a day) applications handling medical
records, electronic billing, workflow, automated packaging, drug dispensing
conversion (dose -> strength), and drug utilization review, basically making
sure the right drug, with the right dose gets to the right patient for the
right reason.  Before that I designed and built a Perinatal Risk assessment
program that helped to ensure that babies were born healthy and that mom's
got the care they needed before problems happened.  

I joined the Squeak community a number of years ago.  Started the
Cryptography Team, which I still try to lead when I have time.  I was also
instrumental to getting Squeak involved with the Software Freedom Law
Center.  I made the first calls and introductions to the board, because I
needed their help with the Cryptography Team registration.  I've been an
active member for a long time but only as time permits.  

I joined Qwaq specifically to work with Andreas Raab.  He was a great friend
and colleague.  

We worked together closely with others like David Smith to build Qwaq.
David is a really great guy to work with too!  He is the main creator of
Croquet, David P. Reed is the main designer.  

David, Andreas and I started 3D ICC.  (3D Immersive Collaboration Consulting
www.3dicc.com).  We are growing and taking on new customers.  Some of them
are HUGE!  We have a great team including Julie LeMoine our CEO and Göran
Krampe who is fantastic.  

We have been watching a number developments in Pharo.  We are especially
interested in COG and spur, and a new 64 bit vm and image.  We are using
Pharo for some pieces and we really like the vm / plugin build structure.
The community is very active and we like the new development work we see.
This is all terrific.  

All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum
Head Of Engineering
3d Immersive Collaboration Consulting
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Follow Me On Twitter: @RonTeitelbaum

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