Is SystemChangeNotifier notifying about protocol changed (with what changed)?

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Is SystemChangeNotifier notifying about protocol changed (with what changed)?

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

I'm trying to work on the integration of the new Rapckage implementation and for this I'm trying to
shield myself from event and building system anouncements....

Now when a protocol is added in a class, I get a reorganized event but I do not get the changed element....
And I checked and I see that:

notifyOfChangedCategoriesFrom: oldCollectionOrNil to: newCollectionOrNil
        (self hasSubject and: [oldCollectionOrNil ~= newCollectionOrNil])
                ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classReorganized: self subject].

Am I correct to think that systemNotification does not raised what changed :( arghhhhhhh


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Re: Is SystemChangeNotifier notifying about protocol changed (with what changed)?

Germán Leiva
(arghhhhhhh too)

I think that I'm having the same problem, but with:

SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classAdded: newClass inCategory: newCategory

the environment of newClass has an organization that isn't SystemOrganization (is another instance of SystemOrganizer).

The problem is that the newClass doesn't get set up in the instance variable category the newCategory.

Any help?

2010/7/15 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>
Hi guys

I'm trying to work on the integration of the new Rapckage implementation and for this I'm trying to
shield myself from event and building system anouncements....

Now when a protocol is added in a class, I get a reorganized event but I do not get the changed element....
And I checked and I see that:

notifyOfChangedCategoriesFrom: oldCollectionOrNil to: newCollectionOrNil
       (self hasSubject and: [oldCollectionOrNil ~= newCollectionOrNil])
               ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classReorganized: self subject].

Am I correct to think that systemNotification does not raised what changed :( arghhhhhhh


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Germán Leiva
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