Is it okay to use AbtWeakValueLookupTable and do I need to know anything special?

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Is it okay to use AbtWeakValueLookupTable and do I need to know anything special?

Louis LaBrunda

Is it okay to use #AbtWeakValueLookupTable?  Do I need to know or do anything special?  I think I need #AbtWeakValueLookupTable and not #AbtWeakKeyLookupTable as I want to keep instances of the values of a lookup table where the entry in the lookup table goes away once there are no other references to it.

Do I just use #at:put: and friends to put things in the lookup table?


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Re: Is it okay to use AbtWeakValueLookupTable and do I need to know anything special?

John O'Keefe
Lou -

AbtWeakValueLookupTable was developed for internal use by VA Smalltalk -- that's why all the methods are private.  Your exposure in using it is that there is no committment to the method names or functions like there is with API methods.  It is also possible that the interfaces are not complete since it was implemented to fill the needs of the product itself.

You can see examples of the use of this class in a development image -- it is used to manage bitmaps and icons (and a few other things).