Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?

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Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?

Tim Mackinnon
Hi - is it possible to easily change the Pharo.image title bar in the pharo application? (As in the OSX title bar, or Windows one).

I find that I often have multiple images running and its difficult to distinguish them - so having a title that had the immediate path of the image would be very useful. I’d prefer not to have to rename image files (althoughI guess could if its not easy to change the title).

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Re: Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?


DisplayScreen hostWindowTitle: 'NewTitle'

Best regards,


Fra: Pharo-users <[hidden email]> på vegne av Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]>
Sendt: 22. juli 2017 18:44:46
Til: Pharo Users Newsgroup
Emne: [Pharo-users] Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?
Hi - is it possible to easily change the Pharo.image title bar in the pharo application? (As in the OSX title bar, or Windows one).

I find that I often have multiple images running and its difficult to distinguish them - so having a title that had the immediate path of the image would be very useful. I’d prefer not to have to rename image files (althoughI guess could if its not easy to change the title).

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Re: Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?

In reply to this post by Tim Mackinnon
DisplayScreen hostWindowTitle: 'your title' works on Windows and Mac (I think) but does NOT work on Linux.

This is a sore point with me as I reported the bug (12231) ages ago and someone very kindly wrote a fix - but it was never applied because no one knew how to apply it!!! So the bug was closed.

Note that you can set the title (even on Linux) with a command line option. This is buggy too - you cannot have a space in the title! (bug 18145)

All in all, it doesn't reflect well on Pharo.

I've just re-opened both these bugs - perhaps one day they'll be fixed. I'm not holding my breath.

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Re: Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?

Tim Mackinnon
In reply to this post by Henrik-Nergaard
Thats perfect… so flexible.

On 23 Jul 2017, at 09:15, Henrik Nergaard <[hidden email]> wrote:

DisplayScreen hostWindowTitle: 'NewTitle'

Best regards,

Fra: Pharo-users <[hidden email]> på vegne av Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]>
Sendt: 22. juli 2017 18:44:46
Til: Pharo Users Newsgroup
Emne: [Pharo-users] Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?
Hi - is it possible to easily change the Pharo.image title bar in the pharo application? (As in the OSX title bar, or Windows one).

I find that I often have multiple images running and its difficult to distinguish them - so having a title that had the immediate path of the image would be very useful. I’d prefer not to have to rename image files (althoughI guess could if its not easy to change the title).
