> I seem to recall that in a long-ago version of Dolphin (2.x? 3.x?)
> compressing changes could lead to problems. I don't recall the
> specifics but I haven't compressed changes since, preferring to fall
> back to the "save all packages, restart from a base image, load all
> packages" scheme when I got tired of looking at a huge changes file.
> So, is it safe to use Smalltalk compressSources in Dolphin XP? I'd
> try finding out the hard way (my usual method of doing things) but,
> just this once, I thought I'd ask first. Thanks.
The problem was that the older versions didn't automatically save the image
after compressing the changes, so one could end up with compressed changes
and an image that didn't match =:0 AFAIK, it's fine now. The info on the
wiki re archiving image/changes/sources together is still good reading. Of
course, in compressing, you lose past versions of code and (more recently)
view resources.
Have a good one,
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]