That duplicated name error when you open a window in the idea space and it
gives a walkback is getting on my nerves.
Ted posted a fix Feb 14 (title: Duplicated name error in ideaspace) - is
there any chance that it will be included in the next patch?
defaultNameOf: aView
"Private - Answer a default name for aView within the receiver. The
name is
of the form: classnn, where 'class' is the class of aView and 'nn' is
an integer
based on the count of existing instances of that class as sub-presenters of
the receiver"
| count name |
count := (self subPresenters select: [:each | each class == aView
class]) size.
name := aView class name displayString , (count := count + 1)
names ifNil: [^name]. "no names yet"
[names values includes: name]
whileTrue: [name := aView class name displayString , (count := count +
1) displayString].