Is the community repository dead?

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Is the community repository dead?
Hi guys,

I was about to commit some packages under MIT in squeaksource but it seems that is not allowing people to add projects anymore. When you click on "Register Project" instead of the usual form, it says "On this server, only the administrator can create new projects!"

Is that expected now? If so, we did that not even telling people about that in a blog post suggesting what to do?

Some told me to stop using it and start using instead. So I've registered my user and created a repo there but my commits are failing (timeout when trying to write)

Struggling with this will kill this community

please help

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Re: Is the community repository dead?

Hi Sebastian,

I was about to commit some packages under MIT in squeaksource but it seems that is not allowing people to add projects anymore. When you click on "Register Project" instead of the usual form, it says "On this server, only the administrator can create new projects!"

Is that expected now? If so, we did that not even telling people about that in a blog post suggesting what to do?

I haven't heard that. Have you asked on the Pharo mailing list.

Some told me to stop using it and start using instead. So I've registered my user and created a repo there but my commits are failing (timeout when trying to write)

That's strange I've never had a problem with ss3. Have you tried it again? If the problem persists I'd suggest posting a bug on

Struggling with this will kill this community

please help

I'm sure you are aware that there are multiple initiatives to try to improve our VC/repository story (new version of SS3, smalltalkhub, experiments with using Git/GitHub etc)


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Re: Is the community repository dead?
Hi Nick,

I've tried many times and it failed every time. 

Gee... okay... I've tried now and it worked fine. So we're good again (so far and by now).

ss3 looks good enough. People says is more stable. I hope they're right.

I really liked what I saw in smalltalkhub but isn't available at the moment so we need something else.

The ultimate solution is to socialize all our smalltalk code in a reliable way and, to achieve that, the best idea so far I've heard of, is to extend Gofer to use git (or to somewhow have a git client for pharo).

That way any smalltalker could have its squeak/pharo code visible in social coding places (like github, etc). By the way, that counts a lot as part of a modern C.V./resumé so it's kind of stupid to stay out of it.

I don't really know how hard could be to make a git client for monticello packages but to get the basics running shouldn't be that hard. Once we have it we can integrate it to the monticello UI or something. Hey, just having it in Gofer alone will make all the difference.

Is anybody interested in this project? maybe ESUG or another organization interested in sponsoring such a project? I'm sure they will be held in high esteem because it would have high social value for our community.

On Feb 24, 2012, at 2:13 PM, Nick Ager wrote:

Hi Sebastian,

I was about to commit some packages under MIT in squeaksource but it seems that is not allowing people to add projects anymore. When you click on "Register Project" instead of the usual form, it says "On this server, only the administrator can create new projects!"

Is that expected now? If so, we did that not even telling people about that in a blog post suggesting what to do?

I haven't heard that. Have you asked on the Pharo mailing list.

Some told me to stop using it and start using instead. So I've registered my user and created a repo there but my commits are failing (timeout when trying to write)

That's strange I've never had a problem with ss3. Have you tried it again? If the problem persists I'd suggest posting a bug on

Struggling with this will kill this community

please help

I'm sure you are aware that there are multiple initiatives to try to improve our VC/repository story (new version of SS3, smalltalkhub, experiments with using Git/GitHub etc)

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Re: Is the community repository dead?


I don't really know how hard could be to make a git client for monticello packages but to get the basics running shouldn't be that hard. Once we have it we can integrate it to the monticello UI or something. Hey, just having it in Gofer alone will make all the difference.

Is anybody interested in this project? maybe ESUG or another organization interested in sponsoring such a project? I'm sure they will be held in high esteem because it would have high social value for our community.

I'm sure he'd welcome some help


seaside mailing list
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Re: Is the community repository dead?
he can count me in.

Hey Dale, we should talk :)

hey... who else steps in?   

this is your chance to do something of impact for your community

come on guys...

On Feb 24, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Nick Ager wrote:


I don't really know how hard could be to make a git client for monticello packages but to get the basics running shouldn't be that hard. Once we have it we can integrate it to the monticello UI or something. Hey, just having it in Gofer alone will make all the difference.

Is anybody interested in this project? maybe ESUG or another organization interested in sponsoring such a project? I'm sure they will be held in high esteem because it would have high social value for our community.

I'm sure he'd welcome some help

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Re: Is the community repository dead?

Dale Henrichs

The project is aimed at making it possible for Smalltalkers to use git/svn/mercurial for project/source version control. There is special emphasis on git and github because github provides distributed repositories and and number of very useful features that enhance the development process.

I started this project when I recently realized that it wasn't as hard to do this as I had thought in the past...

Right now the project is based on Metacello, where I am adding a scripting API to Metacello, like Gofer, but aimed at project level operations not package level operations.

Here's a list of sample Metacello scripting API expressions [1].

Here's the directory structure that I'm proposing to be used for Smalltalk projects[2].

Here's a Sample project on github[3], where you can see what a "real project" would look like. You can clone this project from github and look at it on disk.

Here's the basic assumptions about the project as well[4].

The project is based on Monticello and at the very basic levels involves introducing a few different repository types. There is a 'filtree' repository type, that maps the Monticello package structure onto a disk-based structure, that makes it possible to use git for managing the source code. The code for the 'filetree' is managed on github[5] using the filetree repository structure.

I also move the metacello project source over to github[6]. I've personally been using github to manage the source all of the development I have been doing over the last 4 weeks (you've got to eat your own dogfood), so there are many things that have been working ... I assume that within the next month that I will be looking for volunteers to start using github/git for their own projects to work out kinks...

So things are working, but details are still being worked out, so I don't recommend that anyone start using this stuff right now, because I want to to reserve the right to make radical changes (it's painful for me to make radical changes, since I'm using the system to develop things, but I'd hate to have to coach another developer through the process:).

There are a handful of posts and discussions that I have already posted on the Metacello mailing list[7]. If  you've got feedback on the project, the Metacello mailing list is the place to send the mail ...

If anyone is interested in actually working on the project itself, I welcome the contribution ... If  there is interest, I expect to do the work on github using git. So a basic familiarity with both is useful ... I'm  feeling my way through things at this stage in terms of development process for Smalltalk and there are parts of the process that are done from the command line...but if you are willing to learn some git/github and pitch in, let me know .



----- Original Message -----
| From: "Sebastian Sastre" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 10:16:03 AM
| Subject: Re: [Seaside] Is the community repository dead?
| he can count me in.
| Hey Dale, we should talk :)
| hey... who else steps in?
| this is your chance to do something of impact for your community
| come on guys...
| sebastian
| o/
| On Feb 24, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Nick Ager wrote:
| Sebastian,
| I don't really know how hard could be to make a git client for
| monticello packages but to get the basics running shouldn't be that
| hard. Once we have it we can integrate it to the monticello UI or
| something. Hey, just having it in Gofer alone will make all the
| difference.
| Is anybody interested in this project? maybe ESUG or another
| organization interested in sponsoring such a project? I'm sure they
| will be held in high esteem because it would have high social value
| for our community.
| Dale is on the case see:
| I'm sure he'd welcome some help
| Nick _______________________________________________
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Re: Is the community repository dead?

I've subscribed to the group:

and I'll be contacting you off-list 

guys you can follow Dale's work on github...

1. login in github
3. press the follow button

On Feb 24, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:


The project is aimed at making it possible for Smalltalkers to use git/svn/mercurial for project/source version control. There is special emphasis on git and github because github provides distributed repositories and and number of very useful features that enhance the development process.

I started this project when I recently realized that it wasn't as hard to do this as I had thought in the past...

Right now the project is based on Metacello, where I am adding a scripting API to Metacello, like Gofer, but aimed at project level operations not package level operations.

Here's a list of sample Metacello scripting API expressions [1].

Here's the directory structure that I'm proposing to be used for Smalltalk projects[2].

Here's a Sample project on github[3], where you can see what a "real project" would look like. You can clone this project from github and look at it on disk.

Here's the basic assumptions about the project as well[4].

The project is based on Monticello and at the very basic levels involves introducing a few different repository types. There is a 'filtree' repository type, that maps the Monticello package structure onto a disk-based structure, that makes it possible to use git for managing the source code. The code for the 'filetree' is managed on github[5] using the filetree repository structure.

I also move the metacello project source over to github[6]. I've personally been using github to manage the source all of the development I have been doing over the last 4 weeks (you've got to eat your own dogfood), so there are many things that have been working ... I assume that within the next month that I will be looking for volunteers to start using github/git for their own projects to work out kinks...

So things are working, but details are still being worked out, so I don't recommend that anyone start using this stuff right now, because I want to to reserve the right to make radical changes (it's painful for me to make radical changes, since I'm using the system to develop things, but I'd hate to have to coach another developer through the process:).

There are a handful of posts and discussions that I have already posted on the Metacello mailing list[7]. If  you've got feedback on the project, the Metacello mailing list is the place to send the mail ...

If anyone is interested in actually working on the project itself, I welcome the contribution ... If  there is interest, I expect to do the work on github using git. So a basic familiarity with both is useful ... I'm  feeling my way through things at this stage in terms of development process for Smalltalk and there are parts of the process that are done from the command line...but if you are willing to learn some git/github and pitch in, let me know .



----- Original Message -----
| From: "Sebastian Sastre" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 10:16:03 AM
| Subject: Re: [Seaside] Is the community repository dead?
| he can count me in.
| Hey Dale, we should talk :)
| hey... who else steps in?
| this is your chance to do something of impact for your community
| come on guys...
| sebastian
| o/
| On Feb 24, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Nick Ager wrote:
| Sebastian,
| I don't really know how hard could be to make a git client for
| monticello packages but to get the basics running shouldn't be that
| hard. Once we have it we can integrate it to the monticello UI or
| something. Hey, just having it in Gofer alone will make all the
| difference.
| Is anybody interested in this project? maybe ESUG or another
| organization interested in sponsoring such a project? I'm sure they
| will be held in high esteem because it would have high social value
| for our community.
| Dale is on the case see:
| I'm sure he'd welcome some help
| Nick _______________________________________________
| seaside mailing list
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