Is there a sane way to make seaside config edits (like custom session) programatically?

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Is there a sane way to make seaside config edits (like custom session) programatically?

Thomas Hartman
I am following the cincom seaside tutorial at

There are a couple of points in the tutorial where you do some manual
tweaks to the seaside config at localhost:7777/cofngif. There's a
tweak for a custom session, a tweak for including some javascript
libraries, and maybe a few other minor things. I would like to do
these tweaks programmatically rather than by hand edits. If this is
"not a good thing" to want, please tell me I'm barking up the wrong
tree, and I'll keep doing the hand edits thing. But if doing this more
automatedly is reasonable, I would love to know how.

Instructions for the manual way, from tutorial documentation, which
includes copious screenshots of the manual tweaks...

custom session config:

custom javascript library config:

Any advice is appreciated.



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Re: Is there a sane way to make seaside config edits (like custom session) programatically?

Stephan Eggermont-3
All the things you do through the web interface can be done programmatically. 

In the seaside application root class of StoryBoard, SBMain, we have: 

SBMain>updateRoot: anHtmlRoot 
        super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot. 
        anHtmlRoot title: 'StoryBoard'. 
        anHtmlRoot link 
                type: 'text/css'; 
                url: SBFileLibrary / 'main.css'; 

        "Registers this applicaton as webpage 
                SBMain initialize. 
        super initialize. 
        (WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'story') 
                preferenceAt: #sessionClass 
                        put: SBPublicSession; 
                addLibrary: JQDeploymentLibrary; 
                addLibrary: JQUiDeploymentLibrary; 

updateRoot is instance side, initialize is class side. 


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Re: Is there a sane way to make seaside config edits (like custom session) programatically?

Thomas Hartman-2
Stephan: Thank you!

Exactly what I needed
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