Is there any easy way to change font sizes in VW?

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Is there any easy way to change font sizes in VW?

Rick Flower
I found a procedure that someone had written up on the list some time in
the last year or so for redefining what the built-in fonts mapped to for
the system VW was running on -- specifically using the GUI Painter..

However, that mechanism does not allow the font size to be changed -- the
drop-down dialog (at least for OSX) only contains 1 size -- usually either
10 or 12pt.  Is there some easy way to change this or (preferably) load an
extension that allows this whole area to be tweaked from within the
preferences window directly?

This is another one of those mildly annoying missing features that can be
found in just about every other IDE I can think of (outside of ST), but
which is deeply buried out of reach for the average newbie that tries out
ST/VW -- I would think that we should be able to easily select any
monospaced font at whatever size we want..   While I found a section about
fonts and text attributes in the VW Application development guide (more
geared towards application development) and how it maps between what the
OS provides and what "look" is used, it would still be nice to have
something available and easy to find for the average newbie that just
wants to change how the IDE looks w/o digging into the internals of VW..
Anyway, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction -- perhaps
I can tackle some sort of preferences add-on panel thingie that would
allow the user to select a font -- assuming nothing else exists that does
this?  Comments?

P.S. For what it's worth, Sean Glazier (of Cincom) indicated that he
thought he had an old tool (from an older version of VW) that might have
done this font size changing, but he needed to dig it up and likely make
it work in the current version of VW -- at least that was the impression I

P.P.S.  I hope nobody gets too annoyed with my email -- I'm not trying to
go on a rant or anything, but some of these seemingly small issues may be
larger hurdles for new people coming to ST/VW in general that may turn
them off to the langauge/environment..