Is this possible with XMLWriter?

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Is this possible with XMLWriter?

Torsten Bergmann
Using XMLWriter writer directly is stream based and will not help you here.

In Pharo 2.0 load "Pastell" (ConfigurationOfPastell) from the config browser.
It also loads ConfigurationOfXMLSupport as a single dependency.

This "XMLSupport" package is usually used for parsing XML and with "Pastell"
you can easily access nodes like in XPath
see for a pastell video

Havent tried but with "XMLSupport" I'm sure you can also manually instantiate/connect/build the
nodes and document, manipulate the object tree and write out the contents as XML file later.

At least there are methods like #writeXMLOn: aWriter in classes like XMLDocument
XMLNodeWithChildren, ...


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Re: Is this possible with XMLWriter?

stephane ducasse
The videos is nice
Alexandre told me to merge XMLParser and pastell but I will probably migrate the two projects nicely.


> Using XMLWriter writer directly is stream based and will not help you here.
> In Pharo 2.0 load "Pastell" (ConfigurationOfPastell) from the config browser.
> It also loads ConfigurationOfXMLSupport as a single dependency.
> This "XMLSupport" package is usually used for parsing XML and with "Pastell"
> you can easily access nodes like in XPath
> see for a pastell video
> Havent tried but with "XMLSupport" I'm sure you can also manually instantiate/connect/build the
> nodes and document, manipulate the object tree and write out the contents as XML file later.
> At least there are methods like #writeXMLOn: aWriter in classes like XMLDocument
> XMLNodeWithChildren, ...
> Bye
> T.