Issue 1001 in moose-technology: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr. Geo packages.

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Issue 1001 in moose-technology: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr. Geo packages.

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1001 by matttbe: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr.  
Geo packages.


First, thank you for developing this free and OpenSource platform!

> Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?

With the latest version of the Moose Suite, I'm not able to analyse data  
from Dr. Geo packages: the Moose panel is empty.

> How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary

 From Moose Suite 4.9 image and Pharo 2:
  * Install DrGeo with these commands:
     Gofer new
         url: '' ;
         package: 'ConfigurationOfDrGeo';
     (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDrGeo) perform:#load.
  * Open the Moose Panel / st / select all DrGeoII-* packages / Next /  
  * Select the new model: there is nothing in the panel! Here is a

> Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

I also tested with another image where Moose was already installed but I  
have the same problem.
I'm using Pharo 2 on Linux but it seems that we also have this problem when  
using it on Windows.

Note that I was able to have something in Moose Panel by doing that:
  * Open the Moose Panel / st / select random packages (e.g. I tried with  
PetitParser* packages) / Next / Finished
  * Select the new model: everything seems fine
  * Don't close the Moose Panel and install Dr. Geo from the workspace
  * Switch to the Moose Panel window / st / select DrGeoII-* packages / Next  
/ Finished
  * Select this new model: we can see boxes and select lines but all graphs  
are empty!

Feel free to ask if you need additional information!

Thank you for your help,


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Re: Issue 1001 in moose-technology: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr. Geo packages.

        Status: Invalid

Comment #1 on issue 1001 by [hidden email]: Pharo: Moose: unable to  
get information from Dr. Geo packages.

Thanks for the bug report.

However, this is actually not a bug: you have missed the step in which you  
actually add the selected packages to the desired import.

So, after you select packages on the left hand side, you have to click the  
>>> button to actually add them. Only afterwards press next and finish. And  
it will work.

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Re: Issue 1001 in moose-technology: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr. Geo packages.


Comment #2 on issue 1001 by matttbe: Pharo: Moose: unable to get  
information from Dr. Geo packages.

Thank you for this answer but yes, by saying "select DrGeoII-* packages" I  
means: select these packages and click on the ">>>" button :-)

I don't have this problem with other packages (e.g. with PetitPaser*  
packages), only with 'DrGeoII-*' packages.

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Re: Issue 1001 in moose-technology: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr. Geo packages.


Comment #3 on issue 1001 by [hidden email]: Pharo: Moose: unable to  
get information from Dr. Geo packages.

Hmm, in your report you said that you tried with PetitParser* packages and  
got the same empty model.

But, now I tried exactly with DrGeoII packages. And indeed, the ui shows as  
if the model is empty. The model is actually not empty, but the UI is  
messed up. After a brief inspection, I see that there are some conflicts  
between Pharo and DrGeo in the Morphic and Polymorph-Widgets packages. In  
particular, the one in Polymorph-Widgets removes some TabMorph methods.

To fix it, reopen the Moose Panel after loading the Morphic package from  
Pharo again:

Gofer new
        url: '';
        package: 'Polymorph-Widgets' constraint: [ :version |
                        version author = 'MarcusDenker'
                                and: [ version versionNumber = 780 ] ];

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Re: Issue 1001 in moose-technology: Pharo: Moose: unable to get information from Dr. Geo packages.


Comment #4 on issue 1001 by matttbe: Pharo: Moose: unable to get  
information from Dr. Geo packages.

Yes, you're right, it fixes this bug!

Thank you very much for your help! :-)

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