Issue 1002 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should support multiple types of nodes

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Issue 1002 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should support multiple types of nodes

Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-5.0

New issue 1002 by [hidden email]: The treemap builder should support  
multiple types of nodes

TreeMaps are particularly useful to show leaf nodes within a nested parent  
nodes tree. For example, they can show classes within packages. They are  
less useful for showing only one type of nodes, like a class hierarchy  
given that the weight is only meaningful when applied to the leaf nodes.

However, right now, we can specify nodes only with one block, weight with  
one block only and edges with another one block. This is less convenient.  
We should extend this to allow multiple sets of nodes.

Consider this code:

packages := RPackageOrganizer default packages select: [:each | each name  
beginsWith: 'AST'].
classes := packages flatCollect: [:each | each definedClasses ].
builder weightBlock: [ :el | el isBehavior ifTrue: [ el linesOfCode + 1]  
ifFalse: [ 1 ] ].
builder nodes: (packages), (classes).
builder nestingFromAssociations: (
        (builder nodes select: [ :each | each isBehavior ])
                collect: [ :each |
                        (each) -> each package ]).
builder drawOn: rawView .

It would be better to have it like:

builder weight: [ :el | el linesOfCode + 1] ].
builder nodes: classes.
builder nodes: packages
builder nest: classes in: [ :each | each package ].
builder drawOn: rawView .

Note how nesting is defined following the same pattern as edges:from:to:,  
and how the weight is only applied to the next nodes.

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Re: Issue 1002 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should support multiple types of nodes

        Status: WontFix

Comment #1 on issue 1002 by [hidden email]: The treemap builder  
should support multiple types of nodes

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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