Issue 1003 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should offer a default weight of 1

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Issue 1003 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should offer a default weight of 1

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-5.0

New issue 1003 by [hidden email]: The treemap builder should offer a  
default weight of 1

Right now, the weight block has to be specified. Instead, we should have a  
default weight of 1. Furthermore, right now, if the weight returns 0 (like  
above), we get a ZeroDivide. Zero should be handled without an error.

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Re: Issue 1003 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should offer a default weight of 1


Comment #1 on issue 1003 by [hidden email]: The treemap builder  
should offer a default weight of 1

Also, the weight should ideally be aggregated from leaf nodes. For example,  
the code below makes packages have only 1 weight, and thus the classes  
appear tiny and empty packages appear as large as non empty ones. If we  
would have a way to specify aggregation, we would be better off.

| builder rawView packages |
builder := ROTreeMapBuilder new.
rawView := ROView new.
packages := self mooseModel allNamespaces.
builder weightBlock: [ :el | (el isKindOf: FAMIXType) ifTrue: [ el  
numberOfMethods + 1] ifFalse: [ 1 ] ].
builder nodes: (packages), (self).
builder nestingFromAssociations:
        (builder nodes collect: [ :each |
                        each parentScope -> each ]).
builder drawOn: rawView.
rawView open

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Re: Issue 1003 in moose-technology: The treemap builder should offer a default weight of 1

        Status: WontFix

Comment #2 on issue 1003 by [hidden email]: The treemap builder  
should offer a default weight of 1

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