Issue 1011 in moose-technology: Rubric presentation does not display text attribtues

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Issue 1011 in moose-technology: Rubric presentation does not display text attribtues

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour

New issue 1011 by [hidden email]: Rubric presentation does not  
display text attribtues

We could format Text by adding various attributes and show the text in a  
glamour text presentation. However, with rubric text presentation, text  
attribute are not shown. Is this a feature or bug?

The script below can be used to reproduce the bug.

| browser text|
text := (Text fromString: 'A new text') addAttribute: (TextColor color:  
Color orange ).

        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser row: #text.
        browser transmit to: #text; andShow: [ :a |
                a rubricText
                        title: 'Text with selection'; "Text is orange"
                        display: text; format: #yourself ].
                browser openOn:1

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Re: Issue 1011 in moose-technology: Rubric presentation does not display text attribtues


Comment #1 on issue 1011 by [hidden email]: Rubric presentation does  
not display text attribtues

The text produced in the browser with the script in the description should  
be orange (and it is orange when using simple text presentation). However,  
when using GLMRubricTextPresentation the text does not appear orange. Is it  

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Re: Issue 1011 in moose-technology: Rubric presentation does not display text attribtues


Comment #2 on issue 1011 by [hidden email]: Rubric presentation does  
not display text attribtues

I had a detailed look. For me, the implementation logic in glamour is  
correct but the problem comes from how input text attributes are  
interpreted inside Rubric. RubricScrolledMorph has a textArea  
(RubAbstractTextArea) and this textArea has an editor (RubTextEditor). The  
editor has two modes, RubPlainTextMode and RubSmalltalkCodeMode. Now,  
somehow Rubric correctly shows the attributes of the text in SmalltalkCode,  
which shows Pharo code highlighted with a decorator (ShoutStyler). But it  
applies default text color of the textArea in the plain mode. I had to stop  
drilling at this point because 1/ debugging morphs is not easy with  
announcements and redrawing, 2/Rubric is big.

It will be good that in the plain text mode, it shows the user provided  
text its attributes/highlighting. My guess is there is something to do with  
the decorators. Alain will have a look.

We can keep this issue opened here on the moose list because AFAIK Rubric  
is primarily used in Glamour.

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Re: Issue 1011 in moose-technology: Rubric presentation does not display text attribtues


Comment #3 on issue 1011 by [hidden email]: Rubric presentation does  
not display text attribtues

fixed I guess
make a try with the last version of Rubric (88)

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Re: Issue 1011 in moose-technology: Rubric presentation does not display text attribtues

        Status: Fixed

Comment #4 on issue 1011 by [hidden email]: Rubric presentation does  
not display text attribtues

I tried the fix and it works.
Tx Alain for looking into it.

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