Issue 1027 in moose-technology: The system doesn't open a warning window on #notify:

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Issue 1027 in moose-technology: The system doesn't open a warning window on #notify:

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1027 by [hidden email]: The system doesn't open a warning  
window on #notify:

Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?

When I try to send the message #notify: to an object, I get :

MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "not" is nil.

In the method :

GTDebugger class>>openContext: aContext label: aString contents:  
        <primitive: 19> "Simulation guard"
        ErrorRecursion not &
The class variable ErrorRecursion seems not initialized and should it be  
at 'false' like in Spec.

How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary

To reproduce, open a Workspace under Moose-5.0 and do :
self notify: 'A Message'

It works under Pharo3.

Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

Linux x64, Moose-5.0 last version.

Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-Debbugger

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Re: Issue 1027 in moose-technology: The system doesn't open a warning window on #notify:


Comment #1 on issue 1027 by [hidden email]: The system doesn't open  
a warning window on #notify:

By adding the method :

GTDebugger class >>
        super initialize.
        ErrorRecursion := false.

It seems to resolve a part of the problem. But the image is freezing  
And I don't know how to solve it.

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Re: Issue 1027 in moose-technology: The system doesn't open a warning window on #notify:


Comment #2 on issue 1027 by [hidden email]: The system doesn't open  
a warning window on #notify:

Should be fixed in the latest version. The UI process was not handled  
correctly when using #notify:.

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Re: Issue 1027 in moose-technology: The system doesn't open a warning window on #notify:


Comment #3 on issue 1027 by [hidden email]: The system doesn't open a  
warning window on #notify:

Andrei: Where was this problem handled?

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Re: Issue 1027 in moose-technology: The system doesn't open a warning window on #notify:

        Status: Fixed
        Labels: Component-GlamorousToolkit Milestone-5.0

Comment #4 on issue 1027 by [hidden email]: The system doesn't open a  
warning window on #notify:

Anyway, the problem is fixed now.

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