Issue 1044 in moose-technology: Can't debug block local variables in GT debugger

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Issue 1044 in moose-technology: Can't debug block local variables in GT debugger

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1044 by [hidden email]: Can't debug block local variables  
in GT debugger

Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
In the GT Debugger, when you debug a block with a local variable; you can't  
read its value because the variable is unknown...

How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
Write in a Workspace :
1 = 1 ifTrue: [ |local | local := 1 ]

Debug It!

Use the through button to go into the block.

Try to inspect the local variable.

Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

Moose 5.0 latest - Ubuntu 13.10 - x64

Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GT-Debugguer
* Milestone-5.0

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Re: Issue 1044 in moose-technology: Can't debug block local variables in GT debugger

        Labels: Component-GlamorousToolkit

Comment #1 on issue 1044 by [hidden email]: Can't debug block local  
variables in GT debugger

Thanks for the report.

I could reproduce it on your example:
1 = 1 ifTrue: [
        |local |
        local := 1 halt ]

However, on a regular block case, it works fine:
[ |local | local := 1 halt ] value.

Also, if you define the variable outside of the block, it also works fine:
|local |
1 = 1 ifTrue: [ local := 1 halt ]

Strange. Could it be related to an ifTrue: special handling?

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Re: Issue 1044 in moose-technology: Can't debug block local variables in GT debugger


Comment #2 on issue 1044 by [hidden email]: Can't debug block local  
variables in GT debugger

I think so. Because the block in the ifTrue: is inlined at the  

ifTrue: alternativeBlock
        "Answer the value of alternativeBlock. Execution does not actually
        reach here because the expression is compiled in-line."

        ^alternativeBlock value

So the block doesn't exists really at debugging time.

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Re: Issue 1044 in moose-technology: Can't debug block local variables in GT debugger


Comment #3 on issue 1044 by [hidden email]: Can't debug block local  
variables in GT debugger

This bug also appears with the standard debugger from Pharo 3 and I guess  
it's a combination of two things:
- ifTrue: is inlined
- the debugger does not recognize variables from the workspace  

I'll open a bug report on the Pharo issue tracker.

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Re: Issue 1044 in moose-technology: Can't debug block local variables in GT debugger

        Status: Duplicate

Comment #4 on issue 1044 by [hidden email]: Can't debug block local  
variables in GT debugger

This should be handled in the context of Pharo. I close it here.

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