Issue 1055 in moose-technology: Can't inspect instances variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

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Issue 1055 in moose-technology: Can't inspect instances variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1055 by [hidden email]: Can't inspect instances variables  
in debugger by the ALT+i command

Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?

When you try to inspect a instance variable in the debugger by the ALT+i  
shortcut, you get a DNU :
MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of ""cull:cull:"" is nil

In the method:
GLMSmalltalkCodeModel>>bindingOf: aSymbol
        ^  bindingsStrategy cull: self variableBindings cull: aSymbol

The IV bindingsStrategy is nil.

How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary

| temp |
temp := { 1 . 2 } asSet.
temp add: 3.
And go into the add: method and try to inspect array in the method source

Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

Moose 5.0 - W7

Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GT

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Re: Issue 1055 in moose-technology: Can't inspect instances variables in debugger by the ALT+i command


Comment #1 on issue 1055 by [hidden email]: Can't inspect instances  
variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

Fixed by adding self before bindingsStrategy in the method in commit:

Name: Glamour-Morphic-Widgets-VincentBlondeau.86
Author: VincentBlondeau
Time: 19 March 2014, 11:55:36.802173 am
UUID: 55b6fef9-d38b-af4f-a5bd-44f5f3d8e9eb
Ancestors: Glamour-Morphic-Widgets-TudorGirba.85

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Re: Issue 1055 in moose-technology: Can't inspect instances variables in debugger by the ALT+i command


Comment #2 on issue 1055 by [hidden email]: Can't inspect instances  
variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

Thanks for finding and fixing this :)

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Re: Issue 1055 in moose-technology: Can't inspect instances variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

        Status: Fixed
        Labels: Component-GlamorousToolkit Milestone-5.0

Comment #3 on issue 1055 by [hidden email]: Can't inspect instances  
variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

You were fast. I just fixed it, too :).


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Re: Issue 1055 in moose-technology: Can't inspect instances variables in debugger by the ALT+i command


Comment #4 on issue 1055 by [hidden email]: Can't inspect instances  
variables in debugger by the ALT+i command

It was a very blocking issue... ;)

Your welcome !

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