Issue 1078 in moose-technology: Syntax error do not raise when debugging

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Issue 1078 in moose-technology: Syntax error do not raise when debugging

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1078 by [hidden email]: Syntax error do not raise when  

Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?

When I change a method in the GTDebugger with a syntax error, the save  
action is allowed (the orange corner vanishes but the code is not saved...)  
and the debugger goes to the top of the stack, but no error message is  

I expect to have a message or at least not the ability to save

How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary

Execute: Object sorted
You should have a DNU.
Remove receiver: self in the Object>>doesNotUnderstand: method, now the  
method contains a syntax error (; followed of .)

Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

W7 - Moose latest

Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GTDebugger

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Re: Issue 1078 in moose-technology: Syntax error do not raise when debugging

        Status: Fixed

Comment #1 on issue 1078 by [hidden email]: Syntax error do not  
raise when debugging

Thanks for spotting this problem.
Should be fixed in the latest moose image.

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