Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

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Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1079 by [hidden email]: , (comma) should not be  
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?

When you send the message "," to a FM*MultivalueLink, you expect to have a  
copy of your collection with no impact on the old one.
But it's not the case with the FM*MultivalueLink instances which are  
keeping a link to the old collection...

I propose to implement "," in FM*MultivalueLink by:
self shouldNotImplement

What do you think ?

How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary

class:=FAMIXClass new addAttribute:(FAMIXAttribute new);yourself.
class methods

Here "class methods" is empty

class methods , class attributes.
class methods

Here "class methods" is not empty !

Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

W7 - Moose latest

Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Enhancement
* Component-Fame

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Re: Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes


Comment #1 on issue 1079 by [hidden email]: , (comma) should not be  
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

I guess it's just late, but I cannot get my head around why the original  
collection gets modified :).

FMMultivalue is actually copying itself:

f := FMMultivalueLink new.
f copy == f "==> false"
f copy = f "==> false"

Why do you say that " FM*MultivalueLink instances which are keeping a link  
to the old collection..."?

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Re: Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes


Comment #2 on issue 1079 by [hidden email]: , (comma) should not be  
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

What kind of semantics do we expect when owner and opposite are not the  

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Re: Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes


Comment #3 on issue 1079 by [hidden email]: , (comma) should not be  
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

Of course, when you copy a FMMultivalueLink  you get a copy of the  
But don't forget that, by nature, the FMMultivalueLink is liked to an  
method accessor to update itself.

In moose you don't do  FMMultivalueLink new. But "FMMultivalueLink on:  
aFamixClass opposite: #parentType:"  for instance.

So "," do a copy of the receiver and add to this copy each element of the  
But the add method in FMMultivalueLink is updating aFamixClass parentType  
(if we take the example). But parentType is an other FMMultivalueLink that  
is updating the "attribute" value of aFamixClass. And this value is the old  
FMMultivalue link (the old collection) and not the new one you just copied !
To summarize, by doing "," :
- you just add nothing to your new collection
- and you add something to a collection that you don't wanted to change...
That is why I propose to remove it.

And it's not late ! For the next using this method, it will be useful !

Does your head feel better? :)

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Re: Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes


Comment #4 on issue 1079 by [hidden email]: , (comma) should not be  
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

Ok. It seems that sleeping does make wonders :).

I would suggest to have it implemented like this:

, aCollection
        ^ self asOrderedCollection , aCollection

What do you think?

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Re: Issue 1079 in moose-technology: , (comma) should not be implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes


Comment #5 on issue 1079 by [hidden email]: , (comma) should not be  
implemented in the FM*MultivalueLink classes

That is good for me.

Commited in
Name: Fame-Core-VincentBlondeau.24
Author: VincentBlondeau
Time: 24 July 2014, 10:19:43.303281 am
UUID: fffa0632-3b49-2f4e-b3e0-b682bc721a65

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