Issue 1082 in moose-technology: Inconsistent inspector variables values

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Issue 1082 in moose-technology: Inconsistent inspector variables values

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1082 by [hidden email]: Inconsistent inspector variables  

Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?

In the Moose Inpector, the value of a variable in the list is not equal to  
the printed value in the inspector evaluator part. See png attached.

How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary

create a class (Test) with a IV (test) and a initialize method (
  test := #test
inspect : "Test new "
In the evaluator of the inspector, Print it "test". The value should be nil  
which is not expected.

Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem

Moose latest - W7

Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GTInspector

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Re: Issue 1082 in moose-technology: Inconsistent inspector variables values


Comment #1 on issue 1082 by [hidden email]: Inconsistent inspector  
variables values

As far as I understand, your expectation would be that the instance  
variables be provided in the evaluator. This is not the case right now,  
because we wanted to keep things simple. At this moment, we only  
have "self" bound to a value, and nothing else. Hence, when you will print  
an instance variable it will appear as undefined.

It is still a thing we are thinking about, though, but we are talking about  
a feature, not a bug.

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Re: Issue 1082 in moose-technology: Inconsistent inspector variables values


Comment #2 on issue 1082 by [hidden email]: Inconsistent inspector  
variables values

Alright. So I suggest this as a feature ;)

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