Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium GLASS-Server Version-GLASS0.231
New issue 245 by
[hidden email]: Missing methods on ZipArchiveMember,
prevent creation of zip archives with new members methods are missing on ZipArchiveMember. This prevents the writing of zip
archives with ZipStringMembers that require to be compressed before being
written to file.
The code comes directly from a Pharo1.1 image. So this should be MIT code?
The two methods are:
ZipArchiveMember>>copyDataTo: aStream
compressionMethod = CompressionStored ifTrue: [ ^self copyDataWithCRCTo:
aStream ].
self copyRawDataTo: aStream.
ZipArchiveMember>>copyDataWithCRCTo: aStream
"Copy my data to aStream. Also set the CRC-32.
Only used when compressionMethod = desiredCompressionMethod =
uncompressedSize := compressedSize := readDataRemaining.
crc32 := 16rFFFFFFFF.
[ readDataRemaining > 0 ] whileTrue: [ | data |
data := self readRawChunk: (4096 min: readDataRemaining).
aStream nextPutAll: data.
crc32 := ZipWriteStream updateCrc: crc32 from: 1 to: data size in: data.
readDataRemaining := readDataRemaining - data size.
crc32 := crc32 bitXor: 16rFFFFFFFF.