Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject

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Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject

Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium GLASS-Seaside30 Version-3.0.5

New issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

Now that the GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage is fixed, it  
looks like it is not quite sending the correct information no submect in  
the email and includes the full email message as the message body:
From: aSSEmailAddress
To: aSSEmailAddress
To: aSSEmailAddress
Subject: Squeak Source -- Forgot Password
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 09:36:35 -0700

Hi Dale Henrichs,

we received a request (presumeably by you) that you forgot
your password. To log into your account and to change your password please  
the link
If you didn't sent this request, please forget about this mail. Your
account-information won't be changed and you will be able to access your  
with your old password.


Only the bit starting at 'Hi Dale Henrichs' should be in the message  
body ...

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject


Comment #1 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

ah.. this is my fault... I did not send in the last implementation of that  

Here it is, but I will post everything directly to the store...

seasideDeliverEmailMessage: aWAEmailMessage

        | client |
        client := SendMail new.

        "user login information if applicable"
        self seasideSmtpUsername ifNotNilDo: [:username |
                client user: username.
                self seasideSmtpPassword ifNotNilDo: [:password |
                        client password: password]].

        "use HELO/EHLO ip address format [] if local host name is ip"
        (self seasideIsIpAddress: client ownDomainName)
                ifTrue: [client ownDomainName: '[', client ownDomainName, ']'].

        "deliver the mail"
                mailhostName: self seasideSmtpServer;
                smtpPort: self seasideSmtpPort;
                from: aWAEmailMessage from address greaseString;
                to: (String streamContents:[:str |
                        aWAEmailMessage recipientsAddresses do:[:addr | str nextPutAll: addr  
greaseString] separatedBy: [str nextPut:$;]]);
                subject: aWAEmailMessage subject greaseString;
                text: aWAEmailMessage body greaseString.

        client send.

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject


Comment #2 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

Ah good, I was wondering whether you had run into this problem or not:)

It looks like SqueakSource3 makes use of the Reply-To header, so I have  
gone ahead and added headers support to the SendMail class ...

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject


Comment #3 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

Also, the

From: aSSEmailAddress
To: aSSEmailAddress
To: aSSEmailAddress

headers indicate a problem within SqueakSource using SSEmailAddress instead  
of WAEmailAddress at some points. Don't try to fix that one, I'm onto it :)

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject

        Status: Fixed

Comment #4 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

Incorporated fix into Grease 1.0.6 (dkh.154)

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject

        Labels: -GLASS-Seaside30 -Version-3.0.5 GLASS-Grease Version-Grease1.0.5  

Comment #5 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject


Comment #6 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject

I think, this fix introduced new problems. Since  
WAEmailMessage>>plainMessage is no more used (instead only  
WAEmailMessage>>body), we loose information, particularly there is no BCC  
recipients header. This make BCC recipients public as TO-recipients,  
because the (real) SMTP-Server will add them in the TO field, since they  
are not mentioned in a BCC field.

This will make all BCC-recipients viewable to all others!

Why not using SMTPMail>>plainMessage: and set it with  

(Sorry for not providing a real fix here, I just wanted to ask first if I  
am totally wrong with my observation or not)

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Re: Issue 272 in glassdb: GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail message and missing subject


Comment #7 on issue 272 by [hidden email]:  
GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideDeliverEmailMessage includes too much in mail  
message and missing subject


It looks like you are correct ... by using recipientAddresses we are  
collapsing all of the recipients into the to field ...

If you have a fix, by all means share it!

I've opened Issue 312 for tracking this..