Status: Accepted
[hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium GLASS-GemTools Version-1.0-beta.8.4
New issue 280 by
[hidden email]: GemTools login error: 'Network error -
text follows', does not follow with error message... against a 2.4.4.x stone the gemtools stack looks like the following:
[] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin: {[(session login: desc password
osUser: (desc isGuest ifTrue: ['''']...]}
Arguments and temporary variables:
initializeServer: true
desc: an OGCustomSessionDescription
messageText: ''Network error - text follows:
ex: Error: Network error - text follows:
Receiver: [] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin: {[(session login: desc
password osUser: (desc isGue...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables:
exception: Error
handlerAction: [] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin: {[:ex |
session := nil. ^ ex ...etc...
handlerActive: false
Receiver''s instance variables:
sender: BlockContext>>ono:
pc: 174
stackp: 0
nargs: 0
startpc: 136
home: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
Then in the OGSessionNode>basicLogin: the following code masks the gci
error object making it dificult to get to the arguments (presumably where
the additional info is stashed):
login: desc password
osUser: (desc isGuest ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [ desc osUserId ])
osPassword: (desc isGuest ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [ desc osPassword ])
initializeServer: initializeServer)
ifFalse: [ | messageText |
messageText := session getAndClearLastError message.
session := nil.
^Error signal: messageText ].
the line that pulls up the messageText, ought to at least stash the gci
error object in a temp so that it can be in spected ... better yet would be
to include the error args with the additional info ...
BTW, the error that lead to this was ultimately due to "The versions of RPC
GCI client and Gem server are incompatible."
See for
the original thread