Status: FixedWaitingToBePharoed
Owner: stephane.ducasse
Labels: Type-Squeak Difficulty-Easy
New issue 3235 by stephane.ducasse: better bag sum reimplemented Bag >> #sum to fix Diff against Collections-ul.402 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Bag>>sum (in category 'math functions') -----
"Faster than the superclass implementation when you hold many
instances of the same value (which you probably do, otherwise you wouldn't
be using a Bag)."
+ | sum first |
+ first := true.
+ contents keysAndValuesDo: [ :value :count |
+ first
+ ifTrue: [ sum := value * count. first := false ]
+ ifFalse: [ sum := sum + (value * count) ] ].
+ first ifTrue: [ self errorEmptyCollection ].
- | sum |
- sum := 0.
- contents keysAndValuesDo: [:value :count | sum := sum + (value *