Status: Fixed
Owner: stephane.ducasse
Labels: Type-Squeak Milestone-1.2
New issue 3261 by stephane.ducasse: Fix select unchanged definitions for
variableSubclass: class defs select unchanged definitions for variableSubclass: class defs
=============== Diff against Tools-eem.256 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ChangeList>>selectUnchangedDefinitions (in category 'menu
actions') -----
"Selects all recognizable definitions for which there is already a
definition in the current image, whose source is exactly the same."
| change class tokens |
Cursor read showWhile:
[1 to: changeList size do:
[:i | change := changeList at: i.
listSelections at: i put: false.
(change type = #method
and: [(class := change methodClass) notNil
and: [class includesSelector: change methodSelector]]) ifTrue:
at: i
put: change string withBlanksCondensed
= (class sourceCodeAt: change methodSelector) asString
(change type == #classComment
and: [(class := change commentClass) notNil]) ifTrue:
[listSelections at: i put: change string = class comment asString].
change type == #doIt ifTrue:
[tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: change string.
((tokens select:
+ [:substr| #(subclass: variableSubclass: variableByteSubclass:
- [:substr| #(subclass: variableByteSubclass: variableWordSubclass:
instanceVariableNames: classVariableNames: ) includes: substr])
asSet size >= 3
and: [(class := Smalltalk at: tokens third ifAbsent: []) notNil
and: [class isBehavior]]) ifTrue:
at: i
put: change string withBlanksCondensed
= class definition withBlanksCondensed].
(tokens size = 4
and: [tokens second == #class
and: [tokens third == #instanceVariableNames:
and: [(class := Smalltalk at: tokens first ifAbsent: []) notNil
and: [class isBehavior]]]]) ifTrue:
at: i
put: change string withBlanksCondensed
= class class definition withBlanksCondensed].
(tokens size = 3
and: [tokens second == #removeSelector:
and: [(class := Smalltalk at: tokens first ifAbsent: []) isNil
or: [class isBehavior and: [(class includesSelector: tokens third)
not]]]]) ifTrue:
[listSelections at: i put: true].
(tokens size = 4
and: [tokens second == #class
and: [tokens third == #removeSelector:
and: [(class := Smalltalk at: tokens first ifAbsent: []) isNil
or: [class isBehavior and: [(class class includesSelector: tokens
fourth) not]]]]]) ifTrue:
[listSelections at: i put: true]]]].
self changed: #allSelections!