Status: FixedWaitingToBePharoed
Owner: stephane.ducasse
Labels: Milestone-1.3
New issue 3431 by stephane.ducasse: Faster traitNames System-ul.398
Author: ul
Time: 8 December 2010, 9:21:23.04 pm
UUID: 8e147d50-061f-6741-8eb3-b8f69182a3de
Ancestors: System-ul.397
- fix: SystemDictionary >> #traitNames returns a sorted collection. It also
uses the cached nonClassNames which is faster.
- added SystemDictionary >> #classAndTraitNames which returns a sorted
collection of all class and trait names
=============== Diff against System-ul.397 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemDictionary>>classAndTraitNames (in category 'classes
and traits') -----
+ classAndTraitNames
+ "Answer a sorted collection of all class and trait (not including
class-traits) names. The performance of this algorithm is O(n) if the
classNames are already cached, otherwise O(n*log(n)) where n is self size."
+ | classNames traitNames result temporary |
+ classNames := self classNames.
+ traitNames := self traitNames.
+ temporary := Array new: classNames size + traitNames size.
+ result := temporary shallowCopy.
+ temporary
+ replaceFrom: 1
+ to: classNames size
+ with: classNames
+ startingAt: 1;
+ replaceFrom: classNames size + 1
+ to: temporary size
+ with: traitNames
+ startingAt: 1;
+ mergeFirst: 1
+ middle: classNames size
+ last: temporary size
+ into: result
+ by: nil.
+ ^result!
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemDictionary>>traitNames (in category 'classes and
traits') -----
+ "Answer a sorted collection of all traits (not including
class-traits) names."
+ ^self nonClassNames select: [ :name |
+ (name beginsWith: 'AnObsolete') not and: [
+ self
+ at: name
+ ifPresent: [ :global | global isInMemory
and: [ global isTrait ] ]
+ ifAbsent: [ false ] ] ]!
- "Answer a SortedCollection of all traits (not including
class-traits) names."
- | names |
- names := OrderedCollection new.
- self do:
- [:cl | (cl isInMemory
- and: [(cl isTrait)
- and: [(cl name beginsWith: 'AnObsolete') not]])
- ifTrue: [names add: cl name]].
- ^ names!