Issue 3518 in pharo: #warningAllowed does not handle UndeclaredVariableWarning

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Issue 3518 in pharo: #warningAllowed does not handle UndeclaredVariableWarning

Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-RequestForEnhancement Difficulty-Easy

New issue 3518 by [hidden email]: #warningAllowed does not handle  

Pharo image: Pharo-1.1.1--
Pharo core version: Latest update: #11414
Virtual machine used: Squeak 3.11.4 (beta) from Aug 27 2009

Steps to reproduce:

" Set the environment to warn the user about parsing exceptions "
Parser warnUser.
Parser warningAllowed = true or: [self error].
Transcript open.
" Let's signal the exception "
Compiler evaluate: 'a'.
" Now set the silent behavior "
Parser silent.
Parser warningAllowed = false or: [self error].
" But the exception still notifies the user "
Compiler evaluate: 'b'.
[Compiler evaluate: 'b']
on: UndeclaredVariableWarning
do: [:ex | self error]

because of this if you want to compile programatically without user  
intervention you must handle every compilation warning like:

[ Compiler new
        compile: aString
        classified: aCategoryClassification ]
on: UndeclaredVariableWarning
do: [: ex | self log: 'Warning UndeclaredVariableWarning in ' , self
targetClass asString , '>>' , aString asString ]

Proposed fix is attached. However you should
1) Take care because #undeclared is trying to do 2 things:
   a) Handling the interactive and non-interactive user notification.
   b) Handling the Undeclared global behavior.
2) Review what default behavior do you want. Should the warningAllowed  
cover the requestor interactive too?
3) Consider implementing two preferences : logging preferences and  
notifying preferences (they are not the same). I guess it's for the long  
term when a good logging framework is going to be integrated in the system.

Attachments:  1.0 KB