Issue 3601 in pharo: Recommended Seaside version in Pharo-1.2 outdated

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Issue 3601 in pharo: Recommended Seaside version in Pharo-1.2 outdated

Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email]
CC: renggli,  [hidden email],  marianopeck,  [hidden email],  
[hidden email],  [hidden email]
Labels: Milestone-1.2-DevImage

New issue 3601 by [hidden email]: Recommended Seaside version in  
Pharo-1.2 outdated

Use a prebuilt Pharo 1.2 from the hudson server.

When you run "DEVImageWorkspaces openExternalProjectWorkspace"
it is suggested to load ConfigurationOfSeaside30 and
    ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) project  
version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15') load.

it comes up with:

"Deprecation: The method SmalltalkImage platformName has been deprecated.
Use Smalltalk os platformName"

Thats not nice for newbees ;)  We should also check the other recommended  
load scripts ...

I think a newer version of Seaside like 3.0.3 would help ...
Can anyone confirm that Seaside 3.0.3 is OK for Pharo-dev 1.2

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Re: Issue 3601 in pharo: Recommended Seaside version in Pharo-1.2 outdated


Comment #1 on issue 3601 by [hidden email]: Recommended Seaside  
version in Pharo-1.2 outdated

Seaside loads and runs when I use the 3.0.3 version:

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) project  
version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15') load.

but I get 5 failing tests (WAFileLibraryTest and WAPharoFileLibraryTest  
fail) since

GRPharoPlatform>>useByteArrayLiterals uses "Preferences":

        "whether ByteArray literals can/should be used"
                valueOfFlag: #compileUseNewCompiler
                ifAbsent: [ false ]

and there is WAPharoLibraryTest>>hasNewCompiler too:

                valueOfFlag: #compileUseNewCompiler
                ifAbsent: [ ^false ].

and there is a (IMHO redundant) WAPharoLibraryTest>>compileUseNewCompiler:

                valueOfFlag: #compileUseNewCompiler
                ifAbsent: [ false ]

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Re: Issue 3601 in pharo: Recommended Seaside version in Pharo-1.2 outdated


Comment #2 on issue 3601 by [hidden email]: Recommended Seaside version  
in Pharo-1.2 outdated

I fixed this already in #3540

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Re: Issue 3601 in pharo: Recommended Seaside version in Pharo-1.2 outdated


Comment #3 on issue 3601 by [hidden email]: Recommended Seaside  
version in Pharo-1.2 outdated

Yes, but it looks like your fix  
was not yet integrated into ConfigurationOfPharo.

Fixed in ConfigurationOfPharo-tbn.128

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Re: Issue 3601 in pharo: Recommended Seaside version in Pharo-1.2 outdated

        Status: Closed

Comment #4 on issue 3601 by [hidden email]: Recommended Seaside  
version in Pharo-1.2 outdated

in build #99