Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] New issue 3812 by [hidden email]: Registration for RunArray and other RunArray>>scanFrom: strm "Read the style section of a fileOut or sources file. nextChunk has already been done. We need to return a RunArray of TextAttributes of various kinds. These are written by the implementors of writeScanOn:" | rr vv aa this | (strm peekFor: $( ) ifFalse: [^ nil]. rr := OrderedCollection new. [strm skipSeparators. strm peekFor: $)] whileFalse: [rr add: (Number readFrom: strm)]. vv := OrderedCollection new. "Value array" aa := OrderedCollection new. "Attributes list" [(this := strm next) == nil] whileFalse: [ this == $, ifTrue: [vv add: aa asArray. aa := OrderedCollection new]. this == $a ifTrue: [aa add: (TextAlignment new alignment: (Integer readFrom: strm ifFail: [0]))]. this == $f ifTrue: [aa add: (TextFontChange new fontNumber: (Integer readFrom: strm ifFail: [0]))]. this == $F ifTrue: [aa add: (TextFontReference toFont: (Smalltalk at: #StrikeFont ifPresent: [:sf | sf familyName: (strm upTo: $#) size: (Integer readFrom: strm ifFail: [0])]))]. this == $b ifTrue: [aa add: (TextEmphasis bold)]. this == $i ifTrue: [aa add: (TextEmphasis italic)]. this == $u ifTrue: [aa add: (TextEmphasis underlined)]. this == $= ifTrue: [aa add: (TextEmphasis struckOut)]. this == $n ifTrue: [aa add: (TextEmphasis normal)]. this == $- ifTrue: [aa add: (TextKern kern: -1)]. this == $+ ifTrue: [aa add: (TextKern kern: 1)]. this == $c ifTrue: [aa add: (TextColor scanFrom: strm)]. "color" this == $L ifTrue: [aa add: (TextLink scanFrom: strm)]. "L not look like 1" this == $R ifTrue: [aa add: (TextURL scanFrom: strm)]. "R capitalized so it can follow a number" this == $P ifTrue: [aa add: (TextPrintIt scanFrom: strm)]. this == $d ifTrue: [aa add: (TextDoIt scanFrom: strm)]. "space, cr do nothing" ]. aa size > 0 ifTrue: [vv add: aa asArray]. ^ self runs: rr asArray values: vv asArray " RunArray scanFrom: (ReadStream on: '(14 50 312)f1,f1b,f1LInteger +;i') " ------------ this == $L ifTrue: [aa add: (TextLink scanFrom: strm)]. "L not look like 1" this == $R ifTrue: [aa add: (TextURL scanFrom: strm)]. "R capitalized so it can follow a number" this == $P ifTrue: [aa add: (TextPrintIt scanFrom: strm)]. this == $d ifTrue: [aa add: (TextDoIt scanFrom: strm)]. |
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