Status: New
Owner: ----
New issue 3968 by
[hidden email]: ByteArray>>#asInteger 1.2.1 (proposal for 1.3)
Since the methods #asByteArray and #asByteArrayOfSize: (part of
System-Hashing-Core) exist, it would be logical that the inverse exists as
| integer |
integer := 0.
self withIndexDo: [ :each :index |
integer := integer + (each bitShift: (bytes size - index) * 8) ].
^ integer
Granted, these methods pick the most common ordering (network byte order,
most significant byte first, big endian). We should note that in the
comments. Adding endianness as a parameter would unnecessarily complicate
the interface. Maybe a littleEndian variant could be provided
(#asIntegerLittleEndian, #asByteArrayLittleEndian,
#asByteArrayLittleEndianOfSize:) ?
I've written this already in two projects, anybody else thinks this would
be handy ?