Status: Accepted
[hidden email]
CC: marianopeck
Labels: Importance-High Difficulty-Easy
New issue 4126 by
[hidden email]: Speeding up HelpBrowser by 50% said:
MessageTally time: [HelpBrowser open] between 2 seconds in Cog and with a
regular VM between 6 and 8....
is there an easy way to improve it ?
Here is my answer:
SystemHelp>>allSystemHelpPragmas takes time. When you open a browser, the
method HelpBrowser>>open is called once and
SystemHelp>>allSystemHelpPragmas twice. Easy to suspect that a cache is
So, if you define
^ helpTopicCache ifNil: [ helpTopicCache := rootTopic asHelpTopic ]
and adapt HelpBrowser>>refresh you win 50% of execution time.
Before this fix, I have:
[HelpBrowser open] timeToRun
=> 6099
After the fix I have:
[HelpBrowser open] timeToRun
=> 3094
Naturally, tests are kept green.
HelpBrowserFix.1.cs 998 bytes
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