Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Milestone-1.3 New issue 4150 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList with CmdA - In Pharo 1.3 open file list - click on a folder in the tree, then on a file in the right pane - now hit CMD+A => DNU FileList(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #arrowKey:from: Receiver: a FileList Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: arrowKey: $a from: a PluggableListMorph(699400192) exception: MessageNotUnderstood: FileList>>arrowKey:from: resumeValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: fileName: 'PharoDebug.log' directory: DosFileDirectory on 'C:\pharo\core\1.3\PharoCore-1.3' volList: #('[]' ' C:' ' pharo' ' core' ' 1.3' ' PharoCore-1.3') volListIndex: 6 list: #('(2011.05.02 09:43:09 0) package-cache [...]' '(2011.05.02 18:26:12 830...etc... listIndex: 2 pattern: '*' sortMode: #date brevityState: #briefFile currentDirectorySelected: a FileDirectoryWrapper dirSelectionBlock: [:dirName | true] optionalButtonSpecs: nil modalView: nil ok: false contents: 'File ''PharoDebug.log'' is 859211 bytes long. You may use the ''get'...etc... PluggableListMorph>>modifierKeyPressed: Receiver: a PluggableListMorph(699400192) Arguments and temporary variables: aChar: $a args: 2 Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 236@172 corner: 515@255 owner: a SystemWindow(606863360) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(173539328) a ScrollBar(163053568) a TransformMo...etc... fullBounds: 236@172 corner: 515@255 color: Color white extension: a MorphExtension (275513344) [locked] [other: (dragEnabled -> true...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745) model: a FileList slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(163053568) scroller: a TransformMorph(586153984) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #fileListMenu: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(173539328) list: #('(2011.05.02 09:43:09 0) package-cache [...]' '(2011.05.02 18:26:12 830...etc... getListSelector: #fileList getListSizeSelector: nil getListElementSelector: nil getIndexSelector: #fileListIndex setIndexSelector: #fileListIndex: keystrokeActionSelector: #arrowKey:from: autoDeselect: true lastKeystrokeTime: 0 lastKeystrokes: '' doubleClickSelector: nil handlesBasicKeys: nil potentialDropRow: nil listMorph: a LazyListMorph(703594496) hScrollRangeCache: nil dragItemSelector: nil dropItemSelector: nil wantsDropSelector: nil wrapSelector: nil searchedElement: nil PluggableListMorph>>keyStroke: Receiver: a PluggableListMorph(699400192) Arguments and temporary variables: event: [keystroke '<Cmd-a>'] aChar: $a aSpecialKey: 97 Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 236@172 corner: 515@255 owner: a SystemWindow(606863360) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(173539328) a ScrollBar(163053568) a TransformMo...etc... fullBounds: 236@172 corner: 515@255 color: Color white extension: a MorphExtension (275513344) [locked] [other: (dragEnabled -> true...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745) model: a FileList slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(163053568) scroller: a TransformMorph(586153984) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #fileListMenu: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(173539328) list: #('(2011.05.02 09:43:09 0) package-cache [...]' _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixProposed Comment #1 on issue 4150 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList with CmdA FileList should be a subclass of Model SLICE-Issue-4150-DNU-in-FileList-with-CmdA _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Closed Comment #2 on issue 4150 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList with CmdA in 13198 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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